Oregon Bike Laws
Local ordinances
One quirk of Oregon’s Bike Laws is that the state legislature left certain subjects of the law open for the local towns and cities to make their own rules. That means that each town or city a bicyclist rides in may have laws dating back to the 1930s or earlier controlling their conduct with harsh penalties for violations like fines in excess of $1,000 or even confiscation of the bicycle.
If you don’t see your town here and would like me to research and list the local laws please contact me at cgee@humanpoweredlaw.com or (503) 278-5389.
13.08.030 Bicycle. “Bicycle” means every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels either of which is over 20 inches in diameter. (Ord. 2751 § 2(b), 1957).
13.40.140 Riding on sidewalks. No person shall ride or operate any bicycle upon a sidewalk in a business district. Any person riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian. (Ord. 4656 § 1, 1984; Ord. 2751 § 63, 1957).
13.40.150 Parking. No person shall park a bicycle upon a street or upon a sidewalk except in a rack to support the bicycle or against a building or at the curb, in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic. (Ord. 4656 § 1, 1984; Ord. 2751 § 64, 1957).
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10.68.210 Vehicles - Use restricted
A. No one shall ride or drive any bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, motor vehicle, truck, wagon, horse, or any vehicle or animal in any part of the parks, except on the regular drives designated therefore; provided that baby carriages, wheelchairs, and such vehicles as are used in the park service are not included in the foregoing prohibition. No one shall ride or be upon any skateboard in any part of Lithia Park. (Ord 626 S21, 1916; Ord 3026, 2010)
10.68.410 Greenway Rules and Regulations The Jackson County Greenway Ordinance, as described and recorded with the city recorder pursuant to a City of Ashland ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REGULATION OF ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE BEAR CREEK GREENWAY IN THE CITY OF ASHLAND, ” Ordinance Number 2854, adopted February 15, 2000, applies within the City of Ashland. A violation of the Jackson County Greenway Ordinance is a violation of this chapter and punishable as provided in section 10.68.350. The Jackson County Greenway Ordinance is set forth in this section for convenience of reference:
1228.03 DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of Sections 1228.02 to 1228.09, unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions apply:
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(d) “Bicycle” has the meaning given that term in ORS 801.150.
(q) “Skate” or “Skating” means roller skating, skate boarding or roller blading, or otherwise the use or application of a similar contrivance propelled exclusively by human power.
JACKSON COUNTY ORDINANCE 99-41 – 1228.04 INTENDED USES. The Greenway is intended for multiple use for recreational and non-motorized transportation activities. None of the provisions of the Bear Creek Greenway Ordinance relieves the pedestrian or relieves the cyclist, skater, or equestrian from the duty to exercise due care concerning other users of the Greenway or adjacent land owners.
(a) All Greenway users should maintain their own common or standard lane of travel without impeding travel of other users.
(b) Bicyclists and skaters yield to all other trail users, and hikers yield to equestrians.
(c) Unless otherwise marked, Greenway users are permitted only on paths or paved trails specifically designed for such use.
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JACKSON COUNTY ORDINANCE 99-41 – 1228.06 REGULATIONS; PROHIBITIONS. All regulations of the Greenway shall apply to and be in full force and effect within the Greenway area unless otherwise specifically authorized by Sections 1228.02 to 1228.09 or by declaration of the Greenway Authority or local unit of government independent of each other as a representative of each applicable jurisdictional boundary affected by the Greenway.
(a) Closure: No person shall enter the Greenway or area which has been closed if notice of prohibited entry has been posted.
(b) Basic Speed Rule:
(1) A person commits the offense of violating the basic speed rule if the person drives bicycles, skates or rides a horse upon the Greenway at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard to all the following:
A. The traffic.
B. The surface and width of the pathway.
C. The hazard at intersections.
D. Weather.
E. Visibility.
F. Any other conditions then existing.
(2) In no case shall a person drive a bicycle, skate or ride a horse in speeds in excess of fifteen (15) miles per hour, unless otherwise posted.
(c) Obstruction of the Right of Way: No person, unless specifically authorized, shall:
(1) Stand, gather with others upon any street, street crossing, sidewalk, trail or area within the Greenway in a manner that obstructs free passage of users of the Greenway; or
(2) Place, cause to be placed, or permit to remain on any street, sidewalk, trail or area within the Greenway anything that obstructs or interferes with such area or interferes with the normal flow of users of the Greenway.
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11.08.030 Bicycle Means a device propelled by human power upon which a person may ride, having two (2) or more tandem wheels either of which is over twenty (20) inches in diameter. (Ord. 1557 S2(2), 1968).
11.16.120 Clinging to Vehicles No person riding upon a bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates, sled, or toy vehicle shall attach the same or himself to a moving vehicle upon the streets. Clinging to vehicles is a Class II violation.
(Ord 1557 S39, 1968; Ord 3027, 2010)
11.52.030 Regulations
A. Riding on sidewalks in the C-1-D District. No person shall ride or operate a bicycle on a sidewalk in the district or commercial zone. Riding on sidewalks in the C-1- D District is a Class IV violation.
B. Racing. No person shall engage in, or cause others to engage in, a bicycle race upon the streets or any other public property of this City without permission of the City Administrator. Major races involving closure or restructuring of city streets must be permitted pursuant to AMC 11.12.050. Racing is a Class IV violation.
C. Method of Riding. A person shall not ride a bicycle other than with their feet on the pedals and facing the front of the bicycle. No bicycle shall carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is equipped. Method of riding is a Class IV violation.
D. Carrying Articles. No person operating a bicycle shall carry any packages, bundles, or articles which prevent the rider from keeping at least one (1) hand upon the handlebars and in full control of said bicycle. Carrying articles is a Class IV violation.
E. Traffic Regulations. The use of a bicycle in the City shall be subject to all of the provisions or laws of the State and the laws of the City, including those applicable to the drivers of motor vehicles, except as to the latter, those provisions that by their very nature have no application.
F. Speed on Bicycle Routes. No bicycle shall be ridden on a bicycle route at a speed greater than reasonable and prudent for the circumstances when approaching a pedestrian. Speed on bicycle routes is a Class IV violation.
G. Riding Abreast. No person shall ride a bicycle upon any street, highway, bicycle route or lane in the City abreast, or side-by-side of any other person so riding or propelling a bicycle when it interferes or impedes the normal and reasonable movement of traffic or pedestrians. Riding abreast is a Class IV violation.
H. Hitching on Vehicles. No person, while riding a bicycle shall in any way attaches themselves or the bicycle to any other moving vehicle. Hitching on vehicles is a Class II violation.
I. Bicycle Parking. No person shall park a bicycle upon a street, other than in the roadway and against the curb, or against a lamppost designated for bicycle parking, or in a rack provided for the purpose of supporting bicycles, or on the curb in a manner so as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic. Bicycle parking is a Class IV violation.
J. Bicycle Impoundment. In addition to any other penalty, the court may order impoundment of a bicycle used in an offense committed under this chapter until such time as may appear just and reasonable.
(Ord. 1787 S3, 1973; Ord. 2439 S1, 1988; Ord. 2606 S2, 1990; Ord 2986, 2009; Ord 3027, 2010)
11.52.060 Failure to Report Accidents The operator of any bicycle involved in an accident resulting in injury, death, or damage to personal property shall within seventy-two (72) hours file a written report of such accident with the Police Department. Failure to report accidents is a Class II violation.
(Ord 1787 S6, 1973; Ord 2439, 1988; Ord 3027, 2010)
11.52.070 Bicycle License Required No persons shall operate a bicycle upon the streets, lanes or routes of the City unless such bicycle has been licensed as provided for in this Chapter. A non-resident who has complied with the bicycle registration provisions of the city or county in which they are a resident may operate a bicycle without having first acquired an Ashland bicycle license. Bicycle license required is a Class IV violation. In addition to any other penalty, the court may order impoundment of a bicycle used in an offense until such time as may appear just and reasonable. (Ord 1891 S1 (part), 1973; Ord 1787 S10, 1973; Ord 2439, 1988; Ord 3027, 2010)
11.52.080 Issuance of License The Police Department, or a bicycle shop in Ashland approved by the Police Department, is authorized and directed to issue, upon written application, bicycle licenses. Such license shall be valid for the life of the bicycle from the date of issuance, as long as the license is clearly legible and the ownership of the bicycle is not transferred to another. When a bicycle that is licensed pursuant to this Chapter is sold or transferred to another person who is also a resident of the City, then the new owner or such bicycle shall, within thirty (30) days from the date of transfer, acquire a new license. Designated agencies or shops shall report such transaction to the Police Department each month and with appropriate fees and forms. (Ord 1791 S1, 1973; Ord 1787 S11, 1973; Ord 2114 S1, 1981; Ord 2439, 1988)
11.52.090 License Tags - Registration Cards The City shall provide license tags together with a registration card for each bicycle license issued pursuant to this Chapter. The license tag shall have numbers stamped thereon in numerical order, beginning with number 1; shall have the name of the City printed thereon; and shall be suitable for attachment to the bicycle at a place designated by the Chief of Police. The Police Department shall keep a record of information for each bicycle licensed in order to assist with the recovery of lost or stolen bicycles. (Ord 1791 S1, 1973; Ord 1787 S12, 1973; Ord 2439, 1988)
11.52.100 License Fee Each bicycle license shall be issued upon compliance with the foregoing provisions and upon payment of the required fee as set forth in a Resolution adopted by the City Council. (Ord 1791 S1, 1973; Ord 1787 S13, 1973; Ord 2114 S2, 1981; Ord 2439, 1988)
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6.02.205 Earphones. No person shall operate a motor vehicle or bicycle upon a highway as defined in ORS 481.020 while one or both of the person’s ears are covered or occupied by headphones or earphones. [BC 6.02.205, added by Ordinance No. 3469, 10/8/85]
6.02.430 Impounding of Bicycles.
A. It shall be unlawful to leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
B. A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 72 hours may be impounded by the police department.
C. If a bicycle impounded under this section bears an Oregon driver’s license number or is licensed by this City or another City or other means of determining its ownership exists, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
D. An impoundment fee set by Council resolution shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this section except where the bicycle was stolen.
E. A bicycle impounded under this chapter which remains unclaimed for 60 days, shall be disposed of in accordance with BC 2.05.010 through 2.05.026.
9.08.170 Use of Self-Propelled and Motorized Vehicles. No person on City property shall:
A. Ride a bicycle, skateboard, scooter or use roller skates or in-line skates or other self-propelled device in an area where notice is posted prohibiting such activity;
B. Use a bicycle, skateboard, scooter, roller skates, in-line skates or other self-propelled device at a rate of speed or in a manner that unreasonably endangers persons or property;
C. Use a bicycle, skateboard, scooter, roller skates, in-line skates or other self-propelled device on any surface not intended for travel, including a table, sport court, water fountain, railing, stairwell, entry ramp, planter, sculpture, or other artwork;
D. Leave a bicycle, skateboard, scooter, roller skates, in-line skates, or other self-propelled device where it may obstruct or endanger pedestrian traffic;
E. Operate a motorized vehicle on other than a roadway or parking areas designated for such use by motor vehicles other than when necessary to accommodate a disability;
F. Operate a motorized vehicle carelessly or in a manner that endangers the rights or safety of others. [BC 9.08.170, added by Ordinance No. 4565, 5/17/11; amended by Ordinance No. 4588, 7/18/12]
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6.35.000 Bicycle Operating Rules. Except for bicycles operated by on duty law enforcement personnel:
A. Bicycles shall be parked so they do not obstruct a roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance.
B. Bicycles shall not be ridden on a sidewalk in the Downtown District described in BC 6.20.025 or in the Centennial Parking Garage.
C. A violation of this section is a Class C civil infraction. [Ord. NS-2140, 2010]
6.35.003 Registration. The Police Department may provide a bicycle registering service for the purpose of returning lost or stolen bicycles. [Ord. NS-2140, 2010]
6.35.005 Impounding Bicycles.
A. A bicycle left on public property for more than 24 hours may be impounded by the Police Department.
B. If a bicycle impounded under this code is registered, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make a reasonable effort to notify the owner. No impounding fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bike.
C. A bicycle impounded under this code and remaining unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with City procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
D. Except as provided in subsection (B) of this section, a fee established in the City’s Fee Resolution shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this section. [Ord. NS-2140, 2010]
5.55.005 Violations.
A. Persons using public parks and other City property shall obey the following rules and regulations:
15. No one may use any rolling device such as a bicycle, skateboard, scooter, inline skates, etc., in a manner that is likely to cause potential harm to other people, pets, wildlife or District property; or on sports fields, playgrounds, tennis courts, off-leash areas or in areas reserved for special events. This does not prohibit the use of rolling devices in designated areas.
B. A violation of this section is a Class B civil infraction. [Ord. NS-2142, 2010]
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12.40.010 Regulated riding activity. This chapter regulates the riding of bicycles, skateboards and other similar devices defined below. (Ord. 1082, passed 11-21-2001)
12.40.020 Definitions.
A. For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
- Bicycles means any wheeled bicycle, unicycle or tricycle.
- Riding means propelling bicycles, skate- boards or similar devices by having 1 or more feet on any part of the device.
- Skateboards includes roller skates, in-line skates, blades, scooters, coasters, roller-skis or any similar device.
B. Wheelchairs and similar devices used by persons with physical disabilities are excepted from this chapter. (Ord. 1082, passed 11-21-2001)
12.40.030 Prohibited riding areas.
A. Riding as described in § 12.40.010 is prohibited on any sidewalk or other city property in the area within the following boundaries:
1. North side of 3rd Street between N.W. Elm and N. Ivy;
2. South side of 1st Street between N.W. Elm and N. Ivy;
3. N. 2nd Street east of N. Ivy through to its terminus in the 300 block;
4. East side of N. Elm between 1st and 3rd Streets N.W.; and
5. East side of N. Ivy between 1st and 3rd Streets N.W.
B. The Traffic Safety Commission may designate additional prohibited riding areas. (Ord. 1082, passed 11-21-2001)
12.40.040 Prohibited riding. No person shall ride a bicycle, skateboard or similar device as defined in § 12.40.020, in any area designated as a prohibited riding area, as described in § 12.40.030A. (Ord. 1082, passed 11-21-2001)
12.40.050 Duty to yield. Any person riding on a sidewalk shall at all times yield the right-of-way to pedestrians using the sidewalks and shall give an audible warning before overtaking and passing a pedestrian. (Ord. 1082, passed 11-21-2001)
12.40.060 Duty to obey traffic laws and control devices. Any person riding upon a public street shall obey all state traffic laws and traffic control devices, including but not limited to:
A. No person, while riding or operating any bicycle, skateboard or similar device upon the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public highways of the city shall hold on to any other vehicle.
B. Riders shall ride in single file on the right- hand side of the street in bike lanes, where available, or as close as practicable to the right curb or edge of the roadway, where unavailable, unless overtaking and passing another rider or pedestrian. (Ord. 1082, passed 11-21-2001)
12.40.070 Prohibited riding times. No person shall ride upon any street or sidewalk between the 1 hour after sunset and 1 hour before sunrise, unless the device or rider is equipped with lighting equipment, including a white light visible from a distance of 600 feet to the front of the device and a rear red reflector or light device visible from 600 feet to the rear when directly in front of a vehicle’s headlights. (Ord. 1082, passed 11-21-2001)
12.40.080 Penalty. Any person convicted of a violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500. (Ord. 1082, passed 11-21-2001)
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10.04.280 Emerging from vehicle. No person shall open the door of or enter or emerge from any vehicle into the path of an approaching vehicle or bicycle and no parked vehicle shall be left standing with a door or doors open to approaching traffic. (Ord. 940A §26, 1969).
10.04.320 Clinging to moving vehicles. No person riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates, sled or any toy vehicle shall attach the same or himself to any moving vehicle upon the streets. (Ord. 940A §30, 1969).
10.08.040 Lights--Required when No person shall ride or operate any bicycle upon the streets, alleys or public highways within the corporate limits of the city during the period from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise and at times when fog or other atmospheric conditions render operation of said bicycle dangerous to traffic or the use of the streets, or at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible any person on the streets at a distance of two hundred feet ahead, without having a lighted lamp affixed to the front of said bicycle visible under normal atmospheric conditions from a distance of at least three hundred feet in front of said bicycle and also a reflex mirror or lighted lamp on the rear of said bicycle exhibiting a red light visible under like conditions from a distance of at least two hundred feet to the rear of such bicycle. (Ord. 229 §4, 1939).
10.08.070 Two persons on one bicycle prohibited--Exceptions No person shall operate or ride on any bicycle upon the streets, alleys or public highways in the city with two or more persons upon the same bicycle; provided however, that this restriction shall not apply to tandem bicycles or other bicycles equipped for two or more riders and no person shall be permitted to operate a bicycle with a passenger in front of the operator. (Ord. 229 §7, 1939).
10.08.080 Clinging to vehicle prohibited No person, while riding or operating a bicycle on any street, alley or public highway in the city shall hold on to any other vehicle. (Ord. 229 §8, 1939).
10.08.090 Riding on sidewalks prohibited--Exceptions No person shall ride or operate any bicycle on any sidewalk in the city except by permission of the city council. This permission is to be granted only in the case of urgent necessity. (Ord. 229 §9, 1939).
10.08.100 Riding on extreme right--Riding abreast Every person riding or operating a bicycle on any street, alley or public place in the city shall keep said bicycle on the extreme right of the traffic lane, and it shall be unlawful for two or more operators of bicycles to travel abreast on any street, alley or public place in the city or to operate said bicycle on traffic lanes otherwise than in single file. (Ord. 229 §10, 1939).
10.08.110 Applicability of motor vehicle laws Every person riding or operating a bicycle on any street, alley or public place in the city shall be subject to all provisions of the law of the state and the ordinances of the city applicable to the drivers of automobiles, except the provisions thereof that by their very nature can have no application. (Ord. 229 §11, 1939).
10.08.120 Racing, weaving prohibited It is unlawful for any person or persons to run or engage or cause to run or to be engaged in any bicycle race on any street, alley or public place within the corporate limits of the city or to drive at an excessive rate of speed, or to play “tag,” or to weave or zig-zag along the street, alley or other public places in the city. (Ord. 229 §12, 1939).
10.08.130 Leaving bicycle--Hindrance to pedestrian or vehicular traffic is prohibited No operator of any bicycle shall leave said bicycle lying or standing in such a manner that hinders or impedes pedestrian or vehicular traffic upon the sidewalks or paths and upon the streets, alleys or public place within the corporate limits of the city, but shall take proper care to see that his bicycle is so placed as to avoid annoyance and danger of accident during his absence from it. (Ord. 229 §13, 1939).
10.08.140 Penalties Any person violating any provisions of this chapter shall be punished upon conviction under the general penalty ordinance of the city as found in Section 1.16.010. (Ord. 1608 §3, 1988; Ord. 229 §14, 1939).
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10.20.010 Operating rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this title and state law pertaining to bicycles, no person shall leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. [Ord. 114 § 41, 1987].
10.20.020 Bike rentals. No person shall rent or offer a bicycle for rent unless the bicycle is equipped in accordance with the Oregon Motor Vehicle Code. [Ord. 114 § 42, 1987].
10.20.030 Impounding of bicycles.
(1) No person shall leave a bicycle on private property without the consent of the owner or person in charge. Consent is implied on private business property unless bicycle parking is expressly prohibited.
(2) A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24 hours may be impounded by the police department.
(3) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this title, that obstructs or impedes the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or otherwise endangers the public may be immediately impounded by the police department.
(4) If the owner of a bicycle impounded under this title can be readily determined, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
(5) A bicycle impounded under this title that remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the city’s procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property. [Ord. 114 § 43, 1987].
12.35.020 Park regulations.
(1) Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerblades, Skates. No person shall ride or use bicycles, skateboards, rollerskates, rollerblades, or skates in any park in a negligent or reckless manner, and any person riding or using such devices shall yield to all pedestrian traffic. No person shall ride or use bicycles, skateboards, rollerskates or skates on the Mingus Park stage, or on any plaza, path or parking lot which is posted against such use.
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(9) Skateboard Area. No person shall ride a bicycle in an area designated for skateboard use only.
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10.05.010 Definitions
(B) “Bicycle” means every device propelled by human power upon which any person may ride, having two tandem wheels either of which is over 20 inches in diameter.
10.30.130 Clinging to vehicles
(A) No person riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates, sled, or any toy vehicle shall attach the same or himself to any moving vehicle upon the streets.
(B) No person driving any vehicle shall permit any of the articles listed in subsection (A) of this section to be attached to the vehicle for the purpose of pulling along the streets. [Code 2000 § 7.265.]
10.35.010 Effect of regulations
(A) No parent of any minor child and no guardian of any minor ward shall authorize or knowingly permit any such minor child or ward to violate any of the provisions of Chapters 10.05 through 10.50 CMC.
(B) Chapters 10.05 through 10.50 CMC relating to bicycles shall apply whenever a bicycle is operated upon any street or upon any public path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles, subject to those exceptions stated herein. [Code 2000 § 7.345.]
10.35.020 Brakes Every bicycle operated upon the streets in this city shall be equipped with brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and to hold such vehicle. [Code 2000 § 7.350.]
10.35.030 Riding on bicycles
(A) A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than with his feet on the pedals and facing the front of the bicycle.
(B) No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped. [Code 2000 § 7.355.]
10.35.040 Riding on streets and bicycle paths
(A) Every person operating a bicycle upon a street shall ride as near to the right-hand side of the street as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.
(B) Persons riding bicycles upon a street shall not ride more than two abreast except upon paths or parts of streets set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles. [Code 2000 § 7.360.]
10.35.050 Speed No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing. [Code 2000 § 7.365.]
10.35.060 Racing No person shall engage in, or cause others to be engaged in, any bicycle racing upon the streets or other public places in this city. [Code 2000 § 7.370.]
10.35.070 Emerging from alley or driveway The operator of a bicycle entering or emerging from an alley, driveway, or building shall, upon approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area extending across any alleyway, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching on said sidewalk or sidewalk area, and upon entering the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on said roadway. [Code 2000 § 7.375.]
10.35.080 Carrying articles No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle, or article which prevents the rider from keeping at least one hand upon the handle bars and in full control of such bicycle. [Code 2000 § 7.380.]
10.35.090 Riding on sidewalks No person shall ride or operate any bicycle upon a sidewalk in a business district. Any person riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian. [Code 2000 § 7.385.]
10.35.100 Parking No person shall park a bicycle upon a street or upon a sidewalk, except in a rack to support the bicycle or against a building or at the curb, in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic. [Code 2000 § 7.390.]
10.35.110 Secondhand bicycle sales All persons, firms or corporations engaged in the business of buying secondhand bicycles within the city of Cornelius shall report to the police department each such purchase within 24 hours after purchase, giving the name and address of the persons from whom each bicycle is purchased and a description of each such bicycle, including the frame number and the license number, if found thereon. [Code 2000 § 7.410.]
10.35.120 Rental licenses Any person, firm or corporation who shall rent, hire or loan bicycles within the city shall obtain a license to be used on each such bicycle and shall pay a regular license fee as herein provided. The license plate or plates so obtained may be transferred from one bicycle to another as required by such owner. [Code 2000 § 7.415.]
10.35.130 Responsibility No parent of any minor child and no guardian of any minor ward shall authorize or knowingly permit any such minor child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this chapter. [Code 2000 § 7.420.]
12.50.150 Prohibited park activities It is unlawful to conduct or perform the following activities in any city park:
(H) Use of bicycles, scooters, roller-skates/blades and skateboards other than on paved paths or such areas posted for their use. [Ord. 906 § 1, 2009.]
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Section - Mechanical condition; riding on sidewalks.
1) No person shall ride a bicycle which is in an unsafe mechanical condition.
2) No person, except a Police officer in the performance of his/her official duties, shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within the following boundary, including any and all adjacent sidewalks: The northerly side of NW Jackson Avenue between NW Fifth Street and the west side of the Riverfront bike path, the westerly side of Fifth Street between NW Jackson Avenue and SW Jefferson Avenue, and the southerly side of SW Jefferson Avenue to the west side of the Riverfront bike path; and the northerly side of Monroe Avenue between Fourteenth Street and Twenty-sixth Street, and the southerly side of Monroe Avenue between Fourteenth Street and Twenty-sixth Street.
(Ord. 98-48, Renumbered, 12/07/1998; Ord. 93-06 § 3, 1993; Ord. 90-35, 1990; Ord. 86-22 § 2, 1986; Ord. 83-63, 1983; Ord. 71-4, 1971; Ord. 67-12, 1967; Ord. 57-39 § 46, 1957)
Section - Bicycle brakes. Every bicycle operated upon the streets in this City shall be equipped with brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and to hold such vehicle.
(Ord. 98-48, Renumbered, 12/07/1998; Ord. 57-39 § 47, 1957)
Section - Bicycle rentals. A rental agency shall not rent or offer any bicycle for rent unless the bicycle is equipped with all equipment required by the Motor Vehicle Laws of Oregon.
(Ord. 98-48, Renumbered, 12/07/1998; Ord. 83-64 § 2, 1983; Ord. 57-39 § 49, 1957)
Section - Bicycle speed. No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing.
(Ord. 98-48, Renumbered, 12/07/1998; Ord. 57-39 § 52, 1957)
Section - Bicycle racing. No person shall engage in, or cause others to be engaged in, any bicycle racing upon the streets or other public places in this city.
(Ord. 98-48, Renumbered, 12/07/1998; Ord. 57-39 § 53, 1957)
Section - Emerging from alley or driveway. The operator of a bicycle entering or emerging from an alley, driveway, or building shall, upon approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area extending across any alleyway, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching on said sidewalk or sidewalk area, and upon entering the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on said roadway.
(Ord. 98-48, Renumbered, 12/07/1998; Ord. 57-39 § 54, 1957)
Section - Bicycle parking. No person shall park a bicycle upon a street or upon a sidewalk except in a rack to support the bicycle or against a building or at the curb, in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian traffic.
(Ord. 98-48, Renumbered, 12/07/1998; Ord. 57-39 § 57, 1957)
Section 6.11.330 - Parking of motorbike, scooter, motorcycle or bicycle.
1) No person shall cause, allow, suffer or permit any vehicle other than a motorbike, motor scooter, motorcycle or bicycle owned, operated or controlled by that person to be parked in a parking space within a public street or an off-street free parking area within the downtown parking area within a space or area marked for the parking of motorbikes, motor scooters, motorcycles and bicycles.
2) No person shall cause, allow, suffer or permit any bicycle owned, operated or controlled by that person to be parked in any parking space within a public street or off-street free parking area within the downtown parking area except within a space or area which is designated for the parking of bicycles.
(Ord. 2015-04 § 1, 04/06/2015; Ord. 71-75 (part), 1971)
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10.28.010 Bicycle operating rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of Chapters 10.04, 10.12, 10.20, 10.24, 10.28, 10.32 and 10.40 and state law pertaining to bicycles, a person shall:
A. Not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack or so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles;
B. Not ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk, except along an unimproved street. (Ord. 3038 (Exh. A)(part), 2013)
10.28.020 Licensing. No person shall operate upon the streets a bicycle which has not been licensed.
A. A number shall be assigned to each bicycle by the chief of police or other official as directed by him, and a record of the license issued shall be maintained. The name of the city and license number assigned shall be affixed to the frame of the bicycle.
B. The chief of police or his designee shall issue licenses and obtain the name and address of each person purchasing a license and record the make, model and serial number (if any) of the bicycle.
C. No bicycle shall be licensed which is not equipped in accordance with Chapters 10.04, 10.12, 10.20, 10.24, 10.28, 10.32 and 10.40. (Ord. 3038 (Exh. A)(part), 2013)
10.28.030 Renting bicycles. No person shall rent to another a bicycle not licensed and equipped as required by Chapters 10.04, 10.12, 10.20, 10.24, 10.28, 10.32 and 10.40. (Ord. 3038 (Exh. A)(part), 2013)
10.28.040 Impounding.
A. No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
B. Any bicycle abandoned upon public or private property may be impounded by the police department.
C. In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of Chapters 10.04, 10.12, 10.20, 10.24, 10.28, 10.32 and 10.40 may be immediately impounded by the police department.
D. If a bicycle impounded under Chapters 10.04, 10.12, 10.20, 10.24, 10.28, 10.32 and 10.40 is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
E. A bicycle impounded under Chapters 10.04, 10.12, 10.20, 10.24, 10.28, 10.32 and 10.40 which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the city’s procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property. (Ord. 3038 (Exh. A)(part), 2013)
10.28.050 Use on streets and sidewalks. No person shall:
A. Use the streets for traveling on skis, toboggans, sleds, or similar devices, except where authorized;
B. Use rollerskates, or skateboards, on sidewalks in the business district or on any street, except as authorized or except to cross at a crosswalk. (Ord. 3038 (Exh. A)(part), 2013)
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5.420 Bicycle, Scooter and Skateboard Regulations.
(1) Persons riding or operating bicycles, roller skates, scooters, motor-assisted scooters or skateboards in all city parks shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians at all times.
(2) No person shall ride a bicycle, roller skates, scooter, motor-assisted scooter or skateboard on the suspended footbridge in the Dallas City Park or on any tennis court in a city park.
(3) No person shall ride a bicycle, scooter or motor-assisted scooter Dallas Skateboard Park.
(4) No person shall ride a motor-assisted scooter on any portion of the Rickreall Creek Trail System.
(5) As used in this section, "bicycle," "roller skates," "scooter," and "skateboard" have the meaning set forth in section 6.700.
(6) As used in this section, "motor-assisted scooter" means a scooter, as defined in section 6.700, that is equipped with an electrical or combustion engine power source that is incapable of propelling the vehicle at a speed greater than 24 mile per hour on level ground.
[Subsection (1) amended by Ordinance No. 1600, passed November 6, 2000; Amended by Ordinance No. 1682, passed January 7, 2008.]
6.700 Definitions. As used in sections 6.700 to 6.710, the following mean:
Bicycle. A non-motorized vehicle that is designed to operate on the ground with not more than three wheels and has a seat for use of the rider, excluding tricycles ridden by children under the age of 6 years while accompanied by a person not less than 12 years old.
[Section 6.700 added by Ordinance No. 1529, passed October 7, 1996.]
6.705 Prohibited Riding Area. No person, except a police officer engaged in official duties, shall ride a bicycle, roller skates, scooter, or skateboard on any sidewalk immediately adjacent to the following portions of city streets:
(1) Main Street between its intersection with the north line of Washington Street and its intersection with the south line of Academy Street.
(2) The north side of Washington Street from its intersection with the west line of Jefferson Street to its intersection with the east line of Church Street.
(3) Court Street, from its intersection with the west line of Jefferson Street to its intersection with the east line of Church Street.
(4) Mill Street from its intersection with the West line of Jefferson Street to its intersection with the east line of Church Street.
(5) Oak Street from its intersection with the west line of Jefferson Street to its intersection with the east line of Robb Street and Robb Street extended.
(6) Jefferson Street from its intersection with the south line of Oak Street to its intersection with the north line of Washington Street.
[Section 6.705 added by Ordinance No. 1529, passed October 7, 1996.]
6.710 Penalty. Violation of section 6.705 is punishable by a fine not to exceed $75.00.
[Section 6.710 added by Ordinance No. 1529, passed October 7, 1996.]
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5.115 Clinging to Motor Vehicle. The operator of a motor vehicle on a street shall not knowingly allow a person riding on a bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates, sled, or other device to attach himself, the vehicle, or the device to his motor vehicle. (Section 5.115, formerly section 5.130, renumbered and amended by Ordinance No. 17690, enacted June 28, 1976.)
5.160 Unlawful Use of Motorized Transportation Device.
(1) No motorized transportation device may be operated on any city owned off-street bicycle or pedestrian path or trail, unless exempt. A motorized transportation device is exempt from this provision if it is used as a mobility aid by a person with a mobility impairment, used by a person with express permission from the City, or used by a City employee or agent in the course of City business.
(2) No person shall operate a motorized transportation device in a manner causing excessive, unnecessary, or offensive noise which disturbs the peace and quiet of any neighborhood or which causes discomfort or annoyance to a reasonable person of normal sensitivity.
(3) In addition to the prohibition in subsection (1) of this section, no person may operate an electric assisted bicycle (when not being operated by human propulsion) on any city owned off-street bicycle or pedestrian path or trail located within the East Alton Baker Plan boundary.
(Section 5.160 added by Ordinance No. 20340, enacted March 4, 2005, effective April 3, 2005; administratively corrected June 15, 2005; amended by Ordinance No. 20538, enacted July 28, 2014, effective August 29, 2014.)
5.395 Application of Traffic Code. Every person riding a bicycle within the corporate limits of the city shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter applicable to the driver of a motor vehicle, except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application. (Section 5.395 added by Ordinance No. 17690, enacted June 28, 1976.)
5.400 Operating Rules.
(1) No person may ride a bicycle on a sidewalk in that area bounded by the eastern sidewalk along Lincoln Street between 8th and 13th Avenues, the northern sidewalk along 8th Avenue between Lincoln and Pearl Streets, on either side of Willamette Street between 7th and 8th Avenues, the eastern sidewalk along Pearl Street between 8th and 13th Avenues, on either side of Broadway between Pearl and High Streets, and on the northern sidewalk along 13th Avenue between Pearl and Lincoln Streets.
(2) No person may park a bicycle in or near a public thoroughfare or place in such a manner as to obstruct traffic or endanger persons or property.
(3) A person riding a bicycle
(a) In a lane for vehicular traffic or parking may ride only in the direction legally prescribed there for that traffic.
(b) In a lane for vehicular traffic or parking shall ride as closely to the curb as is safe, but when approaching an intersection where a curb lane is designated "Left Turn" or "Right Turn" shall avoid that lane within 50 feet of the intersection if intending to ride through the intersection without turning.
(c) On a street or alley shall ride in single file with other bicyclists whenever a motor vehicle is approaching within 100 feet to the rear.
(d) On a bicycle path or a sidewalk shall keep as far to the right as is safe, except when overtaking and passing pedestrians and other vehicles, which shall be overtaken and passed only on the left.
(4) Peace officers, police community service officers, police volunteers, and parole and probation officers performing official duties are exempt from the provisions of this section.
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5.420 Traffic Regulation.
(1) Motor vehicles operating in the City parks shall operate at a speed not to exceed 15 miles per hour and shall comply with all regulations posted for the purpose of controlling traffic.
(2) No motor vehicle or bicycle shall leave the paved roads or parking areas or be operated on the playing field areas or ball diamonds, except for authorized maintenance vehicles.
(3) No motor vehicle shall remain parked in the City parks for a period longer than the hours of the park being open for use without the permission of the recreation director or designee. Fees shall be charged as authorized by the City Council by resolution.
(4) No motor vehicle shall be washed or repaired in any City park.
5.425 Bicycles and Skateboards. Bicycles and skateboards may be operated only on the paved paths in Lincoln Park and Bard Park or such other areas as are posted for their use.
6.115 Operating Rules. In addition to observing other applicable Code provisions and State laws pertaining to bicycles, no person shall:
(1) Leave a bicycle except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance.
(2) Ride or operate a bicycle upon a sidewalk in the area described as: Sidewalks north of 19th Avenue to 21st Avenue; Sidewalks east of B Street to Cedar Street; or where otherwise posted.
6.120 Impounding of Bicycles.
(1) No person shall leave a bicycle on private property without the consent of the owner or person in charge. Consent is implied on business property unless bicycle parking is expressly prohibited.
(2) A bicycle left on public property in excess of 72 continuous hours may be impounded by the City.
(3) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this Code obstructing or impeding free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or endangering the public may be immediately impounded by the City.
(4) If a bicycle is impounded, the City shall make efforts to identify and notify the owner. No impoundment fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bicycle that has been impounded.
(5) An impounded bicycle remaining unclaimed shall be disposed of consistent with the City’s procedures for disposal of abandoned property.
(6) Except as provided in subsections (4) and (5), the owner of the bicycle may be charged a fee.
6.125 Violations and Penalties.
(1) Any person violating Sections 6.115 – 6.120 is subject to a civil penalty in an amount of not less than $100 and not more than $250.
(2) The Enforcement Officer may cite into Municipal Court for the violations.
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10.04.160 Clinging to vehicles.
(1) No person riding upon a bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates, sled, or other device shall attach the device or himself to a moving vehicle upon a street.
(2) Nor shall the operator of a vehicle upon a street knowingly allow a person riding on any of the vehicles or devices mentioned in subsection (1) of this section, to attach himself, the vehicle, or the device to his vehicle.
10.04.330 Equipment.
(1) A bicycle operated upon the streets shall be equipped as required by state law. In addition, a bicycle shall be equipped with a brake capable of sliding at least one tire when applied on dry, level, clean pavement.
(2) No bicycle shall be equipped with a siren or whistle.
10.04.340 Operating rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this chapter and state law, a rider of a bicycle upon a street shall:
(1) Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians on sidewalks.
(2) On a two-way street, ride to the extreme right except when preparing for a left turn; on a one-way street, ride to the extreme curb side of the traffic lane and with the direction of travel designated for that lane; if the curb lane is designated for left turn or right turn only, and the operator is not intending to turn, he shall operate in the through lane.
(3) Not carry a package, bundle, or article which prohibits him from having full control of the bicycle and unhindered vision.
(4) Not ride abreast of another bicycle or in any manner other than single file, except on designated bicycle paths.
(5) Not operate a bicycle in a careless or reckless manner which endangers or would be likely to endanger himself, another, or any property; racing or trick riding shall be included in this offense.
(6) Not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack; if no rack is provided, he shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance; nor shall he leave the bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles.
10.04.350 Leaving on public property—Impoundment—Notice to owner—Disposal.
(1) It is unlawful to leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
(2) A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of twenty-four hours may be impounded by the police department.
(3) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this chapter may be immediately impounded by the police department.
(4) If a bicycle impounded under this chapter is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
(5) A bicycle impounded under this chapter which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the city’s procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
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6.20.010 Effect of Provisions. Except when a bicycle is being operated by a member of the Department of Public Safety in furtherance of their official duties or as otherwise provided in this chapter, every person riding or operating a bicycle upon any street or other public place shall be subject to all the provisions of this chapter and the laws of the state applicable to the drivers of vehicles, except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application.
6.20.020 Parental Responsibility for Minors. No parent of any minor child and no guardian of any minor ward shall authorize or knowingly permit any such minor child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this chapter.
6.20.030 Bicycle Operating Rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this article and state law pertaining to bicycles, a person shall not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provisions of this article relating to the parking of motor vehicles.
6.20.040 Riding on Sidewalks.
A. No person shall ride or operate a bicycle, skateboard, rollerskates or rollerblades push/kick scooter, or similar vehicle upon a sidewalk adjacent to 6th Street and 7th Street, bounded on the north by "A" Street, and bounded on the south by "M" Street.
B. No person shall ride or operate a bicycle, skateboard, rollerskates or rollerblades push/kick scooter, or similar vehicle upon a sidewalk adjacent to "G" Street, bounded on the west by 4th Street, and bounded on the east by 7th Street.
C. No person shall ride or operate a bicycle, skateboard, rollerskates, rollerblades, push/kick scooter, or similar vehicle upon a sidewalk adjacent to H Street, I Street and J Street bounded by 5th Street on the west and on the east by 7th Street nor upon 5th Street bounded by G Street to the north and J Street to the south.
D. Any person riding a bicycle, skateboard, rollerskates, rollerblades, push/kick scooter, or similar vehicle upon any other sidewalk shall yield the right of way to any pedestrian and shall give an audible signal before overtaking and passing such pedestrian.
6.20.045 Permits. A permit may be issued by the City Manager that allows a bicyclist to operate on the sidewalk area as set out in 6.20.040. Permits shall only be issued to such businesses that require bicycles to operate on sidewalks and such operation of a bicyclist is a necessary part of the business operation. A business must be that as defined by Chapter 4.04.020(A). A permit is hereby authorized and the fees for the cost of such permit may be set by resolution. (Ord. 4581 §2, 1986)
6.20.050 Equipment Requirements for Rental Agencies. A rental agency shall not rent or offer any bicycle for rent unless the bicycle is equipped with all equipment required by the Motor Vehicle Laws of Oregon and this chapter.
6.20.060 Riding on Bicycles.
A. A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than with his feet on the pedals and facing the front of the bicycle.
B. No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped.
6.20.070 Riding on Streets and Bicycle Paths.
A. Every person operating a bicycle upon a street or other public place shall ride as near to the right-hand side of the street as practicable, exercising due care when passing a pedestrian or a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.
B. Persons riding bicycles upon a street or other public place shall not ride more than two abreast.
6.20.080 Speed. No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing. (Ord. 4350 §5, 1980)
6.20.090 Carrying Articles. No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle, or article which prevents the rider from keeping at least one hand upon the handle bars and in full control of such bicycle. (Ord. 4350 §5, 1980)
6.20.100 Impounding of Bicycles.
A. No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
B. A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24 hours may be impounded by the Public Safety Department. (Ord. 4651 §2, 1989)
6.20.090 Carrying Articles No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle, or article which prevents the rider from keeping at least one hand upon the handle bars and in full control of such bicycle. (Ord. 4350 §5, 1980)
6.20.100 Impounding of Bicycles
A. No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
B. A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24
hours may be impounded by the Public Safety Department. (Ord. 4651 §2, 1989)
C. In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this Chapter may be immediately impounded by the Public Safety Department. (Ord. 4651 §2, 1989)
D. If a bicycle impounded under this chapter is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner. No impounding fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bicycle which has been impounded.
E. A bicycle impounded under this chapter which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the City's procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
F. Except as provided in subsection D of this section, a fee of $2 shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this section.
G. Bicycles which require to be licensed, pursuant to this chapter, shall not be released from impoundment until such license is first obtained by the owner of the bicycle or his representative. (Ord. 4350 §5, 1980)
6.20.200 Three Foot Zone of Protection for Pedestrians from Bicyclists
A. Except as provided in subsection B, a person operating a bicycle, skateboard, or scooter on a public road or sidewalk shall maintain a zone of protection for a distance of not less than 3 feet between the bicycle, skateboard, or scooter and a pedestrian.
B. This section does not apply when the encroachment into the 3 foot zone is caused by the sudden movement of the pedestrian.
C. This section does not exempt bicycles, skateboards, and scooters from the requirements noted in section 6.20.040, subsections A, B, and C. (Ord. 5356 §5/17/06).
6.20.220 Three Foot Zone of Protection for Pedestrians from Bicyclists.
A. Except as provided in subsection B, a person operating a bicycle, skateboard, or scooter on a public road or sidewalk shall maintain a zone of protection for a distance of not less than 3 feet between the bicycle, skateboard, or scooter and a pedestrian. City of Grants Pass Municipal Code Title 6 Last Revised 6/2/16 Title 6: Uniform Traffic Code Page 37 of 85
B. This section does not apply when the encroachment into the 3 foot zone is caused by the sudden movement of the pedestrian.
C. This section does not exempt bicycles, skateboards, and scooters from the requirements noted in section 6.20.040, subsections A, B, and C.
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8.05.020 Definitions - Careless manner. A manner that endangers or which could reasonably be expected to endanger persons or property, including but not limited to moving faster than an ordinary walking speed, the use of portable ramps, or jumping a bicycle or non-motorized vehicle where pedestrians are present or business egress is to the sidewalk.
8.70.010 Use of a Bicycle or Non-Motorized Vehicle. Any person using a bicycle or non-motorized vehicle upon a street, sidewalk, or public property shall do so at such person’s own risk and shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians. (Ord. No. 1700, Enacted, 03/03/2011)
8.70.020 Use of Streets. No person shall use or travel a street of the city on non-motorized vehicle except where authorized by the manager. (Ord. No. 1700, Enacted, 03/03/2011)
8.70.030 Use of Public Sidewalks and Property. (1) No person shall use a bicycle or nonmotorized vehicle upon a sidewalk within the city in a careless manner. (2) No person shall use or permit the use of a bicycle or non-motorized vehicle: (a) within city buildings; or (b) at City Hall, the Center for the Arts, Heroes Memorial, or other public properties designated by the City Manager, and all public areas adjacent to the above mentioned and designated properties, including but not limited to, plazas, pedestrian areas, sidewalks, planters, artistic or memorial structures, seating areas, accessways, access ramps, and handrails, (Ord. No. 1700, Enacted, 03/03/2011)
8.70.040 Misuse of a Bicycle or NonMotorized Vehicle. No person shall leave a bicycle or non-motorized vehicle:
(1) in a manner which obstructs a street. sidewalk, driveway or building entrance;
(2) on private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner of the property;
(3) on public property for a period in excess of 18 hours; or
(4) in a public parking lot in a vehicle parking space. A bicycle may only be parked in a public parking lot where special provision has been made for bicycles, in the stand, rack, or other bicycle holder.
(Ord. No. 1700, Enacted, 03/03/2011)
8.70.050 Impoundment. (1) A bicycle or non-motorized vehicle in violation of GRC Article 8.70 may be immediately impounded by the police department. The impounded bicycle may be released to the owner after the owner presents evidence of ownership that is acceptable to the manager, and the manager determines the bicycle is no longer needed for evidentiary purposes. (2) If a bicycle or non-motorized vehicle impounded under this section is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make a reasonable effort to notify the owner. (3) A bicycle or non-motorized vehicle impounded under this section that remains unclaimed for a period of more than 60 days may be disposed of in accordance with GRC Article 2.81, the city's procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property. (Ord. No. 1756, Amended, 08/20/2015; Ord. No. 1700, Enacted, 03/03/2011)
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73.01 BICYCLE TO BE IN SAFE CONDITION: COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or operate a bicycle in the city unless the bicycle is equipped as otherwise provided in this chapter and unless the bicycle is in safe mechanical condition. Every person riding or operating a bicycle on any street, alley, or public place in the city shall be subject to all provisions of the laws of the state and the ordinances of the city applicable to the drivers of vehicles, except the provisions thereof that by their very nature can have no application. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.02 COMPLIANCE WITH TRAFFIC SIGNALS. Every person operating a bicycle in the city shall stop for all stop signs and traffic signals. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.03 UNLAWFUL TO RIDE ON SIDEWALK IN COMMERCIAL ZONE. It shall be unlawful to ride or operate a bicycle on any sidewalk in the city inside of the commercial zone. It shall be lawful to ride or operate a bicycle on any sidewalk in the city outside of the commercial zone. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.04 RIDING ABREAST. Every person riding or operating a bicycle on any street, alley, or public place in the city shall keep the bicycle on the extreme right of the traffic lane, and it shall be unlawful for two or more operators of bicycles to travel abreast on any street, alley, or public place in the city or to operate the bicycle on traffic lanes otherwise than in single file. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.05 CLINGING TO MOVING VEHICLES. No person riding or operating a bicycle in the city shall cling or attach himself or his bicycle to any other moving vehicle or person in any other vehicle.
(Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.06 SINGLE RIDERS. No person shall operate or ride on any bicycle upon the streets, alleys, or public highways of the city two or more persons upon the same bicycle; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to tandem bicycles or other bicycles equipped for two or more riders. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.07 CARRYING ARTICLES. No person riding or operating a bicycle in the city shall carry any package, bundle, or article which prohibits the rider from having full control of the bicycle at all times. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
(A) Racing. No person riding or operating a bicycle upon a public highway or street shall participate in any race, speed, or endurance contest unless such race or endurance contest has the written permission of and is under supervision of the Chief of Police.
(B) Trick riding. No person riding or operating a bicycle shall perform or attempt to perform any acrobatic fancy, or stunt riding upon any public highway or street in the city
(Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
(A) No person shall park any bicycle against windows or parking meters or on the main traveled portion of the sidewalk nor in such manner as to constitute a hazard to pedestrians, traffic, or property.
(B) If there are no bicycle racks or other facilities intended to be used for parking of bicycles in the vicinity, bicycles may be parked on the sidewalk in an upright position parallel to and within 24 inches of the curb.
(Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.10 SPEED. No person shall ride or operate a bicycle faster than is reasonable and proper, and every bicycle shall be operated with reasonable regard to the safety of the operator and other persons upon the streets, sidewalks, and public highways of the city. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.11 RIDING ON PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND SCHOOLS. No person shall ride or operate a bicycle upon any playground, park, or school ground where children are playing without permission of the person having supervision thereof. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.12 TURNS.
(A) Turning. Every person riding or operating a bicycle upon the streets and highways of the city shall turn only at intersections except as otherwise provided herein.
(B) Right turn. Every person riding or operating a bicycle intending to turn to the right at an intersection or into an alley or driveway, shall approach the turning point in the line of traffic nearest the right-hand curb of the street.
(C) Left turn. Every person riding or operating a bicycle intending to turn left at an intersection or to enter an alley or driveway shall approach the joint of turning in the line of traffic nearest to the center of the roadway. The operator of a bicycle in turning left at an intersection shall pass to the right of the center of the intersection before turning unless otherwise directed by markers, buttons, or signs.
(D) U-turns.
(1) No bicycle shall be turned in any business district so as to proceed in the opposite direction, except at intersections.
(2) No bicycle operated in a residence district shall be turned so as to proceed in the opposite direction when any other vehicle is approaching from either direction within 200 feet, except at an intersection.
(E) Turn right against red light. The operator of a bicycle which is stopped as close as practicable to the entrance of an intersection in obedience to a red light or stop signal may make a right turn but shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and other traffic proceeding as directed by the signal at the intersection, unless a sign has been posted at the intersection prohibiting such turn.
(Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.13 CROSSING. The operator of a bicycle on leaving an alley or driveway, when his view of either the sidewalk or street area is obstructed shall stop such bicycle immediately prior to riding upon such sidewalk or street area. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.14 SIGNALS. No person shall turn a bicycle or stop a bicycle which he is riding or operating unless such movement can be made with safety, and then only after giving an appropriate signal during the last 50 feet traveled by the bicycle before turning or stopping. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
(A) The operator of any bicycle involved in an accident shall take reasonable steps to ascertain whether or not anyone was injured, and he shall give his name, address, and the license number of his bicycle to the person with whom he was in collision, and he shall obtain the same information from the other person.
(B) It shall be the duty of the bicycle operator to make a written report of any accident resulting in death or injury to the Police Department with 24 hours of such accident.
(Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.25 CERTIFICATE REQUIRED. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or use a bicycle propelled wholly or in part by muscular power upon any of the streets, highways, or alleys of the city without first obtaining from the Police Department or its authorized agent a certificate therefor. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
(A) The Police Department is hereby authorized and directed to issue bicycle certificates of title which shall be good until revoked. Such certificates, when issued, shall entitle the holder thereof to operate such bicycle for which the certificate was issued upon the streets, alleys, or public highways of the city, exclusive of the sidewalks, except as hereinafter provided. The Police Department may issue a bicycle certificate of title for a bicycle when so requested by the owner. The Police Department shall charge a fee for issuing a certificate as established by resolution of the City Council.
(B) The Chief of Police may issue to each bicycle dealer certificate of title forms which shall be executed in duplicate at time of sale of each bicycle, the original thereof which shall be delivered to the purchaser, the duplicate forwarded within 24 hours to the Chief of Police. The certificate of title form shall include such information as the make and model of the bicycle sold, the color thereof, the frame number, date of sale, name and address of purchaser, and such other information as the Chief of Police may direct. There will be no fee for the issuance of such certificate. (C) The purchaser shall promptly take the certificate to the Police Department which shall issue a number therefor, and will cause the identical number to be stamped upon the underside of the sprocket of the bicycle. The Police Department will maintain a record of the bicycle by name and address of certificate holder, together with complete description of the bicycle and any other information which might serve to promptly identify the bicycle.
(Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65)
73.267 SAFE MECHANICAL CONDITION. Every person desiring a bicycle certificate must satisfy the Chief of Police or his authorized agent that the bicycle for which the applicant desires to secure license plates meets the following requirements as to safe mechanical condition.
(A) Brakes. Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake adequate to skid the front or rear tire of the bicycle upon application of the brake.
(B) Warning devices. Every bicycle may be equipped with a horn or bell capable of emitting sound audible for a distance of not less than 100 feet under normal conditions.
(C) Sirens and whistles. It shall be unlawful to equip a bicycle with a siren or whistle.
(D) Handlebar grips. Every bicycle that is equipped with handlebar grips must have the grips securely glued or cemented to the handlebars.
(E) Carriers. Every bicycle equipped with a carrier must have the carrier securely attached to the bicycle.
(F) Stands. Every bicycle should be equipped with a stand of either kick or "U" type.
(G) Lights. Every bicycle operated at any time from a half-hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise and at any other time when there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernible any person or vehicle on the streets or sidewalks shall be equipped with a lamp affixed to the front of the bicycle, which lamp shall exhibit a white light visible for a distance of 500 feet from the front of the bicycle, and the bicycle shall be equipped with a red lamp or reflector affixed to the rear fender, which shall exhibit a red light visible for a distance of 300 feet from the rear of the bicycle.
(Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65) Penalty, see § 73.99
73.99 PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished as provided in 10.99 commits a Class A violation. (Ord. 558, passed 12-22-65; Am. Ord. 1632, passed 6-22-87; Am. Ord. 1976, passed 10-26-98)
(D) Bicycles, skateboards or skates shall not be operated on park sidewalks in any manner so as to be a safety threat or hazard to pedestrians, or operated at any time on any tennis or basketball courts.
Updated 8/2017
8.28.010 Applicability of laws
A. Every bicycle operator on a street or public path is subject to all the provisions of state law and the traffic code.
B. Every skateboard rider is subject to all the provisions of the traffic code.
8.28.020 Number allowed on bicycle
A. No person may ride a bicycle with two or more persons upon the same bicycle except tandem bicycles or similar bicycles equipped for the number of riders.
B. No person may attempt to operate a multi-rider bicycle while in a passenger seat.
8.28.030 Clinging to other vehicles
A. No person riding upon a bicycle, skateboard or toy vehicle may attach the same or their person to a moving motor vehicle upon the streets.
B. No person operating a motor vehicle may allow a violation of HMC 8.28.030(A) in connection with a motor vehicle under their control.
8.28.040 Operation on sidewalks
A. Bicycles, skateboards and toy vehicles may be operated on sidewalks within the corporate limits of the city except on those sidewalks under HMC 8.28.040(B) or under those conditions in HMC8.28.040(C) and (D).
B. Sidewalks adjacent to streets or on public service building grounds located within the boundaries between the north line of NE and NW Lincoln Street to the south line of SW and SE Baseline Street and the east line of NE and SE 5th Avenue to the west line of NW and SW Adams Avenue.
C. At speeds in excess of 10 miles per hour.
D. Failing to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians using the sidewalk or not dismounting and walking past children at play or congestion caused by pedestrians.
8.28.050 Skateboards and toy vehicles in streets Skateboards, skis, sleds and other toy vehicles may not be operated on a roadway except to travel crosswalks.
A. Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway must ride as near to the right-hand side of the roadway as practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.
B. Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway must ride single file.
8.28.070 Racing No person may engage in, or cause others to be engaged in, any racing upon the streets or other public places, except under a permit from, and under the supervision of, the police department.
A. Every bicycle must be equipped with:
1. A lamp on the front, exhibiting a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front of such bicycle; and
2. A red reflector on the rear of such size and characteristics and so mounted so as to be visible at night at distances from 50 to 300 feet from the rear of such bicycle.
B. A bicycle may be equipped with a red light on the rear that is visible at distances up to 500 feet from the rear of such bicycle.
A. Every bicycle operated upon the streets must be equipped with brakes adequate to control the speed of, and to stop and hold, such bicycle.
B. No person may operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing.
C. No person operating a bicycle may carry a package, bundle or article that prevents the rider from keeping at least one hand upon the handle bars and in full control of such bicycle.
A. It is unlawful to park or leave a bicycle upon the sidewalk, except in areas designated under HMC 8.28.100(B).
B. Designated areas for the parking of bicycles and only bicycles are as follows:
1. At the curb on the street and sidewalk, beginning at the intersection of the north boundary of Main Street and the west boundary of N 3rd Street, thence north 20 feet;
2. At the curb on the sidewalk beginning at the point on the north side of E Lincoln Street that is 55 feet east from the easterly boundary of N 2nd Avenue, thence east 20 feet; and
3. During the months the municipal swimming pool is in operation and while bicycle racks are maintained in the street for parking bicycles:
a. On the street on the easterly side of S 9th Avenue beginning at a point 10 feet south of the south boundary of E Cedar Street, thence south 35 feet; and
b. On the street on the southerly side of E Cedar Street, beginning at a point 15 feet east of the east boundary of S 9th Avenue, thence east 45 feet.
C. The manager will cause the appropriate number of bicycle racks to be erected, kept and maintained, each with the proper marking by signs or painting, upon each of the areas under HMC 8.28.100(B).
8.28.110 Parental responsibility No parents or guardians of a minor may authorize or knowingly allow such minor to violate any of the provisions of this subchapter.
Updated 7/2017
6.250 PROHIBITED AREAS (1) No person shall skate or travel by means of a skateboard or roller skates within the Veteran’s Memorial area, at Veterans Memorial Park or Sugarman’s Corner, or upon, over or along the streets or sidewalks of the following thoroughfares in the City: Main Street from Riverside Drive to the Government Canal; East Main Street from Main Street to Sixth Street; Klamath Avenue from Second Street to Eleventh Street; Ninth Street from Klamath Avenue to Prospect Street; Prospect Street from Ninth Street to Upham Street; Upham Street from Worden Street to Oregon Avenue; Oregon Avenue from Upham Street to Biehn Street; Biehn Street from Oregon Avenue to Kit Carson Way; Tenth Street from Main Street to the Government Canal; Esplanade from Main Street to the Government Canal; Riverside Street from City limits to Main Street; Eighth Street from Klamath Avenue to Jefferson Street; Sixth Street from Pine Street south to City limits; Pine Street from Second Street to Eleventh Street; Eleventh Street from Klamath Avenue to Upham Street; Seventh Street from Klamath Avenue to Pine Street; Fifth Street from Pine Street to Sixth Street; Fourth Street from Klamath Avenue to Pine Street; Third Street from Klamath Avenue to Pine Street; Second Street from Klamath Avenue to Pine Street. (2) No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk along the streets described in Subsection (1). (3) As used in this Section, "skateboard" means a board of any material, natural or synthetic, with wheels affixed to the underside, designed to be ridden by a person. (4) No person shall ride a bicycle within Sugarman’s Corner. [Amended by Ordinance No. 16-08, enacted Aug. 1, 2016; Amended by Ordinance No. 08- 07, enacted Feb. 5, 2008.]
6.255 BICYCLE OPERATING RULES In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this Ordinance and State law pertaining to bicycles, no person shall leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway, or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles.
6.260 IMPOUNDING OF BICYCLES (1) No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof. (2) A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24 hours may be impounded by the Police Department. (3) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this chapter may be immediately impounded by the Police Department.
6.265 BICYCLE LICENSES (1) Bicycle licenses shall be issued and renewed by the Police Chief. (2) There shall be no fee for a bicycle license. (3) A bicycle, whether or not licensed under the regulations of any other governmental unit, if brought into this City, shall be licensed in accordance with this chapter within 30 days. (4) No bicycle shall be licensed which is not equipped in accordance with requirements of the Oregon Vehicle Code. [Amended by Ordinance No. 6515, enacted Aug. 18, 1986.]
6.270 RENTING OF BICYCLES No person shall rent to another a bicycle not licensed as required by Klamath Falls City Code Section 6.265.
Updated 8/2017
Section 3. DEFINITIONS In addition to those definitions contained in the Oregon state Motor Vehicle Code, the following words or phrases, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning, shall mean:
a. Alley. A street or highway primarily intended to provide access to the rear or side of lots or buildings in urban areas and not intended for through vehicular traffic.
b. Bicycle. A bicycle is a vehicle that:
1. Is designed to be operated on the ground on wheels;
2. has a seat or saddle for use of the rider;
3. is designed to travel with not more than three (3) wheels in contact with the ground;
4. is propelled exclusively by human power; and,
5. has every wheel more than fourteen inches (14") in diameter or two (2) tandem wheels, either of which is more than fourteen inches (14") in diameter.
c. Bicycle Lane. That part of the highway, adjacent to the roadway, designated by official signs or markings for use by persons riding bicycles, except as otherwise specifically provided by law.
d. Bicycle Path. A public way, not part of a highway, which is designated by official signs or markings for use by persons riding bicycles, except as otherwise specifically provided by law.
e. Block. The part of one side of a street lying between the two (2) nearest cross streets.
f. Central Business District. An area bounded by a line beginning in the center of the intersection of Fourth Street and Jefferson Avenue in La Grande, Oregon; thence along the center of Fourth Street to the center of Washington Avenue; thence along the center to the projected center of Jefferson Avenue; thence along the center of Jefferson Avenue to the point of beginning.
o. Sidewalk. The area determined as follows:
1. On the side of a highway which has a shoulder, a sidewalk is that portion of the highway between the outside lateral line of the shoulder and the adjacent property line capable of being used by a pedestrian.
2. On the side of a highway which has no shoulder, a sidewalk is that portion of the highway between the lateral line of the shoulder and the adjacent property line capable of being used by a pedestrian.
Section 9. BICYCLES
a. Bicycle Operating Rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of the Ordinance and State law pertaining to bicycles, a person shall:
1. leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway, or building entrance.
2. not be allowed to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk during business hours (normally 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.), or on any special event day, within the Central Business District with the exception of City of La Grande Police Officers who are members of the Bicycle Patrol, operating their bicycles in the course and scope of their duties.
For purposes of this Ordinance, the Central Business District is described in Section 2. DEFINITIONS of this Ordinance.
b. Registration of Bicycles
1. Bicycles may be registered as a Crime Prevention practice in the City of La Grande, Oregon, and to assist police agencies in theft recovery and apprehension of possible theft suspects.
2. A number may be assigned to each bicycle, and a record of the registration issued may be maintained as part of the police records. The name of the City and the registration number assigned may be affixed to the frame of the bicycle.
3. Bicycle registrations may be renewed whenever the ownership of the bicycle changes.
c. Impounding of Bicycles
1. No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
2. A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of twenty-four (24) hours may be impounded by the Police Department.
3. If a bicycle impounded under this Ordinance is registered or other means of determining its ownership exists, the Police Department shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
4. A bicycle impounded under this Ordinance, which remains, unclaimed for thirty (30) days, shall be disposed of in accordance with the City's procedures for disposal of abandon or lost bicycles.
Updated 2/2018
32.10.800 Persons Operating Bicycles or Animals. Every person in control of a vehicle or an animal upon a roadway is subject to the provisions of this chapter, except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application. (Former from 32.040. Original language repealed. Ord. No. 1145, Sec. 2; 2-21-67. Ord. No. 1975, Sec. 50; 9-20-88.)
32.10.810 Requirements for Operation of Bicycles Generally. Every person operating a bicycle within the City shall comply with the following regulations, together with other provisions of this chapter applicable to the operation of bicycles:
1. Riding on Sidewalks - A rider of a bicycle shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians on sidewalks.
2. Lights Required - No person shall ride or operate a bicycle upon a highway, alley or public place within the City during the period from sunset to sunrise, and at times when fog or other atmospheric conditions render the operation of a bicycle dangerous to traffic or the use of the highway, unless a lighted lamp is affixed on the front of the bicycle, visible under normal conditions from a distance of at least 1,000 feet in front of the bicycle, and also a reflex mirror or lighted lamp on the rear of the bicycle exhibiting a red light visible under like conditions from a distance of at least 1,000 feet to the rear of such bicycle.
3. Two Persons on a Bicycle Prohibited - No person shall operate or ride on any bicycle upon the highways, alleys or public ways in the City with two or more persons upon the same bicycle; provided, however, that this restriction shall not apply to tandem bicycles or other bicycles equipped for two or more riders.
4. Holding to other Vehicles Prohibited - No person, while riding or operating a bicycle in any highway, alley or public way in the City shall hold on to any other vehicle in motion.
5. Riding Abreast - Every person riding or operating a bicycle on any highway, alley or public way in the City shall keep the bicycle on the extreme right of the traffic lane, and two or more operators of bicycles shall not travel abreast on a highway, alley or public way in the City or operate the bicycle on traffic lanes otherwise than in single file.
6. Races Prohibited - No person shall run or engage or cause to run or be engaged in a bicycle race on a highway, alley or public place within the City, except under permit from and under the supervision of the Chief of Police.
7. Obstructing Traffic - No operator of a bicycle shall leave his bicycle lying or standing in such a manner that shall hinder or impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic upon the sidewalks or paths or upon the highways or alleys or public ways within the City, but shall take proper care to see that his bicycle is so placed as to avoid annoyance and danger of accident during his absence from it.
8. Use of Designated Bicycle Stands - The City may designate such place or places within commercial zones exclusively for parking of bicycles and no person shall stand, park or leave any bicycle on the highway or alley or sidewalk within 200 feet of any such place designated exclusively for bicycle parking by the City.
9. Permitting Unsafe or Unlawful Operation - No parent or other person shall knowingly permit the unlawful operation of a bicycle, or the operation of a bicycle by a person lacking the physical or mental judgment or maturity to operate the bicycle in a reasonably safe and careful manner without creating an unreasonable hazard to the operator of the bicycle or others.
10. Violation of this section is a Class C violation.
(Ord. No. 1145, Sec. 2; 2-21-67. Ord. No. 1389, Sec. 2; 8-18-70. Ord. No. 1975, Sec. 51; 9-20-88.) (Ord. 2231, Amended, 03/21/2000)
32.10.815 Impounding Bicycles.
1. No person shall leave a bicycle on private property without the consent of the owner or person in charge. Consent is implied on private business property unless bicycle parking is expressly prohibited.
2. Unless bicycle parking is expressly prohibited on public property, a person shall leave a bicycle in a bicycle rack, if provided, or in accordance with section LOC 32.10.810(8).
3. A bicycle left on a highway or other public property for more than 24 hours may be impounded by the police department.
4. In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this chapter that obstructs or impedes the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic or otherwise endangers the public may be immediately impounded by a law enforcement officer.
5. If a bicycle impounded under this chapter is licensed, or other means of identifying its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
6. A bicycle impounded under this section that remains unclaimed after 30 days shall be disposed of in accordance with LOC 14.04.120.
7. Impoundment under this section shall be done in accordance with the provisions of LOC 14.04.110, et seq.
(Ord. No. 1975, Sec. 52; 9-20-88.)
32.10.820 Removal or Alteration of Bicycle ID Number Tag Prohibited. No person shall remove or alter an identification number tag on a bicycle. Violation of this section shall be punished as a Class A misdemeanor. (Ord. No. 1975, Sec. 52; 9-20-88.)
Updated 8/2017
10.44.020 - Motor vehicle provisions applicability. Every person riding a bicycle upon a street or public path within the city shall be subject to the provisions of Chapters 10.04 through 10.24, 10.32 through 10.48 and 10.56, applicable to the driver of a motor vehicle, except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application. (Ord. 1819 § 2(2), 1980)
10.44.030 - State provisions adopted. The following sections of the Oregon Revised Statues are incorporated by reference into the ordinance codified in this chapter as though fully set forth in this chapter:
ORS 814.400—814.480 - Bicycles
ORS 811.050 - Failure to Yield to Rider on Bicycle Lane
ORS 811.055 - Failure to Yield to Bicyclist on Sidewalk
ORS 815.280 - Equipment Requirements.
(Ord. 2116 § 1, 1992: Ord. 1819 § 1, 1980)
10.44.040 - License—Required—Application—Fee.
A. Required. No person who resides within this city shall ride or propel a bicycle on any street or upon any public path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles unless such bicycle has been licensed as provided in this chapter.
B. Application and Issuance. Applications for such license shall be made to the police department, which shall issue a license to be effective for as long as the applicant may own the bicycle; provided, that the applicant submits satisfactory proof of ownership.
C. Fee. There shall be charged for such license a license fee, the amount of which shall be set by the city council from time to time by resolution and is made a part of this chapter as if set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 1819 § 11(1) (part), 1980)
10.44.050 - License—Tag. The license tag shall be affixed to the rear upright frame member of the bicycle so licensed by the person issuing the license. The license tag shall be displayed continuously on the bicycle during the term of the license. (Ord. 1819 § 1(1) (part), 1980)
10.44.060 - Parent and guardian responsibility. No parent of a minor child and no guardian of a minor ward shall authorize or knowingly permit the minor child or ward to violate this chapter. (Ord. 1819 § 10, 1980)
10.44.070 - Single-file riding. Persons riding bicycles shall ride in a single file on a roadway or alley whenever a motor vehicle is approaching within one hundred feet to the rear. (Ord. 1819 § 3, 1980)
10.44.080 - Racing. No person shall engage in or cause others to be engaged in bicycle racing upon the streets or other public property in this city, except as sanctioned by the city council. (Ord. 1819 § 4, 1980)
10.44.090 - Emerging from alley or driveway. The operator of a bicycle entering or emerging from an alley, driveway or building shall, upon approaching a sidewalk or the sidewalk area extending across any alley or driveway, yield the right-of-way to all pedestrians approaching on the sidewalk or sidewalk area, and upon entering the roadway, shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on the roadway. (Ord. 1819 § 5, 1980)
10.44.100 - Sidewalk riding prohibited where.
A. No person, other than a police officer or police reserve officer in the furtherance of his or her duty, shall ride or operate a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, rollerskates or rollerblades, upon a sidewalk in that area bounded by:
1. The north line of Vine Street from Park Street to Second Street;
2. Both sides of Main Street from Vine Street to Rose Street;
3. The west line of Second Street from Vine Street to Oak Street;
4. The south line of Oak Street from Second Street to Main;
5. The west line of Main Street from Oak Street to "A" Street;
6. The east line of Main Street from "A" Street to Oak;
7. The south line of Oak Street from Main Street to Park; and
8. The east line of Park Street from Oak Street to Vine.
B. No person, other than a police officer or police reserve officer in the furtherance of his or her duty, shall ride or operate a bicycle or skateboard, rollerskates or rollerblades, upon sidewalks located within the following shopping centers open to the public.
1. Lebanon Plaza;
2. Safeway.
(Ord. 2328 § 1, 2002: Ord. 2216 § 1, 1997: Ord. 2117 § 1, 1992: Ord. 2032 § 1, 1988: Ord. 2014 § 1, 1987: Ord. 1819 § 6(1), 1980)
10.44.110 - Yielding to pedestrians. A person riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians. (Ord. 1819 § 6(2), 1980)
10.44.120 - Parking. No person shall park a bicycle upon a street or sidewalk except in a rack. If no rack is provided, the bicycle shall be parked in such manner as to afford the least obstruction to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. (Ord. 1819 § 7, 1980)
10.44.130 - Secondhand bicycle records. Persons engaged in the business of buying secondhand bicycles shall maintain a record of every bicycle purchased, giving the name and address of the person from whom purchased, a description of the bicycle by name, or make, the frame number thereof and the registration number, if any, found thereon. (Ord. 1819 § 8, 1980)
10.44.140 - Rented bicycles. A rental agency shall not rent or offer a bicycle for rent unless the bicycle is licensed as required in this chapter and is equipped with all equipment required by the motor vehicle laws of Oregon and this chapter.
(Ord. 1819 § 9, 1980)
10.44.150 - Violation—Penalty. Violation of this chapter shall constitute a Class D traffic infraction and shall be punished as provided for in Sections 153.505 and 153.615 of the Oregon Revised Statutes. (Ord. 2118 § 1, 1992: Ord. 1819 § 12(1), 1980)
10.44.160 - Violation—Impoundment. In lieu of or in addition to the penalty imposed under Section 10.44.150, bicycles may be impounded for a period not to exceed thirty days. (Ord. 1819 § 12(2), 1980)
12.12.130 - Operation of bicycles, scooters, roller skates and other wheeled vehicles prohibited. No person, other than a police officer or reserve police officer in the furtherance of the officer's duty, shall ride or operate a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, roller skates or rollerblades upon benches, upon picnic tables, alongside or under picnic shelters or alongside or under gazebos located within any city park or recreation area open to the public, except upon park roads and designated bike trails within said parks or recreation areas. (Ord. 2768 (part), 2008)
Updated 8/2017
6.430 Operation of Bicycles, Skateboards and Scooters No person shall operate a skateboard, scooter or bicycle on a sidewalk within the area bound by Bear Creek, the north right-of-way of Sixth Street, the west right-of-way of Oakdale Avenue, and the south right-of-way of Tenth Street, except where official signs mark a designated bicycle path.
[Amd. Ord. No. 2011-188, Oct. 6, 2011.]
6.450 Bicycle License Issuance The Police Chief upon receipt of an application and payment of the prescribed tax shall issue a bicycle license to a person if he finds that:
(1) the bicycle has not been reported lost or stolen and not yet recovered; and
(2) the applicant provides documentary evidence of ownership of the bicycle.
6.460 Bicycle License Term and Fees Bicycle licenses shall be valid for a ten year period or as long as an owner keeps a bicycle, whichever comes first. [Amd. Ord. No. 7244, Nov. 5, 1992; Amd. Ord. No. 7512, Nov. 4, 1993.]
Updated 9/2017
No parents of any minor child and no guardian of any minor ward shall authorize or knowingly permit any such minor child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 1385 § 2, 1978: Ord. 1360 § 10(1), 1977)
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, every person riding or operating a bicycle upon any street or other public place is subject to all the provisions of this title and the laws of the state applicable to the drivers of vehicles, except any provisions which by their very nature can have no application. (Ord. 1385 § 2, 1978: Ord. 1360 § 10(2), 1977)
Every bicycle operated upon the streets or other public places should be equipped with brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and to hold the bicycle. (Ord. 1385 § 2, 1978: Ord. 1360 § 10(3), 1977)
A person propelling a bicycle should not ride other than with his or her feet on the pedals and facing the front of the bicycle. (Ord. 1385 § 2, 1978: Ord. 1360 § 10(4), 1977)
No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing. (Ord. 1385 § 2, 1978: Ord. 1360 § 10(5), 1977)
No person shall leave a bicycle except at a rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway, or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provision relating to the parking of motor vehicles. (Ord. 1385 § 2, 1978: Ord. 1360 § 10(6), 1977)
No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business district, downtown, or in a commercial area unless such area is designated part of a foot-bike pathway. (Ord. 1385 § 2, 1978: Ord. 1360 § 10(7), 1977)
No person riding a bicycle shall attach himself to another moving vehicle upon any street for the purpose of “hitching” a ride. (Ord. 1385 § 2, 1978: Ord. 1360 § 10(8), 1977)
17.08.040 BICYCLE WAY
“Bicycle way” means a right-of-way for bicyclists. (Ord. 1907 (Attach. 1), 2002)
Updated 9/2017
10.05.010 Operation of bicycles on sidewalks prohibited within the business district.
(1) No person shall ride or operate a bicycle upon any sidewalk in the business district of the City. Said business district is to be defined as Main Street between Monmouth Avenue and Pacific Highway 99W.
(2) No owner or operator of a bicycle shall permit the bicycle to lie or stand upon any sidewalk, street, or alley within the City so as to impair pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or pose unreasonable danger of injury to such traffic. (Ord. 721a, § 3; amended by Ord. 975, § 2, Sept. 2, 1986. Code 1983 § 52.110.)
10.05.020 Speed upon bicycle paths.
(1) As used in this section, “bicycle paths” means any walkway, bikeway or path designated as a “bicycle path” by the City Council.
(2) No person shall operate a bicycle upon any bicycle path at a speed in excess of 10 miles per hour. (Ord. 720, §§ 1, 2; amended by Ord. 975, § 3, Sept. 2, 1986. Code 1983 § 52.120.)
Updated 9/2016
10.10.050 Clinging to vehicles. No person riding upon a bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates, sled or other device shall attach the device or the person’s self to a moving vehicle upon a street. Nor shall the operator of a vehicle upon a street knowingly allow a person riding on any of the above vehicles or devices to attach the person’s self, the vehicle or the device to the operator’s vehicle. [Ord. 1593, 1-4-71. Code 2001 § 71.05.]
10.20.030 Prohibited riding areas.
A. Riding as described in NMC 10.20.010 is prohibited on any sidewalk or other city property in the downtown commercial area of the city or on any sidewalk or other city property adjacent to city buildings, except public streets. The downtown commercial area is that area between River Street on the east, Main Street on the west, the north right-of-way boundary of Hancock Street on the north, and the south right-of-way boundary of Second Street on the south.
B. The traffic safety commission may designate additional prohibited riding areas. [Ord. 2500, 11-2-98. Code 2001 § 73.03.]
Penalty: See NMC 10.20.110.
10.20.040 Prohibited riding. No person shall engage in a riding activity in an area designated as a prohibited riding area as defined in NMC 10.20.030. [Ord. 2500, 11-2-98. Code 2001 § 73.04.]
Penalty: See NMC 10.20.110.
10.20.050 Registration. Bicycle registration cards shall be provided by the city. All registration cards shall be numbered. The police department shall keep a record of the date of issuance and number of each license and to whom issued. [Ord. 2500, 11-2-98. Code 2001 § 73.05.]
10.20.060 Duty to yield.
A. Any person engaging in any regulated riding activity on a sidewalk shall at all times yield the right-of-way to pedestrians using such sidewalk and shall yield the right-of-way to motor vehicles when approaching or crossing a driveway.
B. Any person engaging in any regulated riding activity commits the offense of failure to yield to a police officer if the person refuses to comply with any lawful order, signal or direction of a police officer. [Ord. 2500, 11-2-98. Code 2001 § 73.06.]
Penalty: See NMC 10.20.110.
10.20.070 Duty to obey traffic laws and traffic control devices. Any person engaging in any regulated riding activity upon a public street shall obey all state traffic laws and traffic control devices, including, but not limited to:
A. No person shall ride or operate any bicycle upon the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public highways of the City of Newberg with two or more persons upon the same bicycle, except on a bicycle equipped with passenger seats for two or more riders.
B. No person, while riding or operating a regulated riding device, as described in NMC 10.20.010, on any street, alley, sidewalk or public highway in the City of Newberg, shall hold on to any other vehicle. [Ord. 2500, 11-2-98. Code 2001 § 73.07.]
Penalty: See NMC 10.20.110.
10.20.080 Prohibited riding times. No person shall do any regulated riding activity upon any street or sidewalk between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise, unless the device or rider is equipped with equipment that meets the described requirements:
A. The lighting equipment must be used during limited visibility conditions;
B. The lighting equipment must show a white light visible from a distance of at least 500 feet to the front of the device;
C. The lighting equipment must have a red reflector or a light device or material of such size or characteristic and so mounted to be visible from a distance up to 500 feet to the rear when directly in front of the lawful lower beam of a motor vehicle’s headlights. [Ord. 2500, 11-2-98. Code 2001 § 73.08.]
Penalty: See NMC 10.20.110.
10.20.090 Seizure of equipment.
A. At such time a minor person under the age of 18 years is found to be committing a violation of this chapter, the police may seize the bicycle, roller skates, scooter, skateboard, unicycle or roller blades upon which the violator is riding. Seizure may be in addition to any other enforcement action or penalty.
B. A bicycle, scooter, or skateboard may be seized by police if the rider fails to yield to a police officer, as described in NMC 10.20.060(B).
C. The seized device may be recovered from the police department Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. by an adult rider, or a minor’s parent or guardian, within 10 days of the seizure.
D. Any seized device not recovered from the police department within 10 days of seizure may be disposed of under the same provisions as provided for disposal of unclaimed found property. [Ord. 2500, 11-2-98. Code 2001 § 73.09.]
Updated 9/2016
6.40.015 Restrictions on Rollerskates, Skateboards, Bicycles, and Unmotorized Scooters Skateboards, rollerskates, bicycles, unmotorized scooters, and similar vehicles may not be used in any part of the right-of-way, including sidewalks, in the following locations or in any other location designated by Council resolution. Notwithstanding the above, bicycles shall be allowed on roadways in the following locations:
SW Bay Boulevard From SW Hatfield Drive southwesterly to SW Bay Street
SW Coast Highway From SW 2nd Street southwesterly to SW
Neff Way SW Hurbert Street From SW 7th Street southeasterly to SW 9th Street
NW Beach Drive From NW Coast Street westerly to the east driveway of the Nye Beach turnaround parking lot
SW Naterlin Drive From SW Government Road to SW Bay Street
SW Bay Street From SW Naterlin Drive to SW Bay Boulevard
Updated 10/2017
9-1-6 - Clinging to vehicles. No person riding upon a bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates, sled, or other device shall attach the device or himself to a moving vehicle upon a street. Nor shall the operator of a vehicle upon a street knowingly allow a person riding on any of the above vehicles or devices to attach himself, the vehicle, or the device to his vehicle.
9-6-1 - Licensing bicycles, fee.
(A) No person shall operate a bicycle which has not been licensed upon the streets of the City.
(B) A number shall be assigned to each bicycle by the City Manager or other official as directed by him, and a record of the license issued shall be maintained as part of the police records. The name of the City and license number assigned shall be affixed to the frame of the bicycle.
(C) The City Manager shall issue licenses and obtain the name and address of each person purchasing a license and record the make, model and serial number (if any) of the bicycle.
(D) A person buying or otherwise obtaining a bicycle shall obtain a license from the City Manager.
(E) Bicycle licenses shall be renewed upon change of ownership.
(F) The fee for a bicycle license shall be one dollar fifty cents ($1.50).
(G) All license fees collected shall be paid over to the City's general fund.
(H) A bicycle, whether or not licensed under the regulations of any other governmental unit, if brought into this City, shall be licensed in accordance with this Chapter within thirty (30) days of such impoundment.
9-6-2 - Bicycle operating rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this Title and State law, a rider of a bicycle upon a street shall:
(A) Not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, he shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. Nor shall he leave the bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles.
(B) Not ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within the City limits.
9-6-3 - Impounding bicycles.
(A) It shall be unlawful to leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
(B) A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of twenty four (24) hours may be impounded by the Police Department.
(C) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this Chapter may be immediately impounded by the Police Department.
(D) If a bicycle impounded under this Chapter is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner. No impounding fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bicycle which has been impounded.
(E) A bicycle impounded under this Chapter which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the City's procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.*
(F) Except as provided in subsection (D) of this Section, a fee of two dollars ($2.00) shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this Section.
(Ord. 1850, 6-6-77)
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10.24.020 - Bicyclists. For purposes of regulating and governing the conduct of bicyclists, ORS 814.400 to 814.480, is adopted and made a part of this code as if set out at length herein. Its provisions shall apply to all operators of human-powered vehicles, as well as to bicycles.
(Prior code §10-9-2)
Updated 10/2017
16.70.310 Persons Riding Bicycles to Obey Traffic Regulations. Every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway is subject to state law and the provisions of this Title applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except state law and those provisions of this Title which by their very nature can have no application.
16.70.320 Operating Rules. (Amended by Ordinance No. 165594, effective July 8, 1992.) No person may:
A. Leave a bicycle so that it obstructs vehicle or pedestrian traffic on a roadway, sidewalk, driveway, handicap access ramp, building entrance, or so that it prevents operation of a parking meter or newspaper rack;
B. Leave a bicycle secured to a fire hydrant or to a police or fire call box;
C. Leave a bicycle on private property without consent of the owner or legal tenant. Consent is implied on private commercial property;
D. Leave a bicycle on a street or other public property for more than 72 hours; or
E. Ride a bicycle on a sidewalk, unless avoiding a traffic hazard in the immediate area, within the area bounded by and including SW Jefferson, Front Avenue, NW Hoyt and 13th Avenue, except:
1. On sidewalks designated as bike lanes or paths;
2. On the ramps or approaches to any Willamette River Bridge;
3. In the area bounded by the west property line of SW Ninth Avenue, the east property line of SW Park Avenue, the north property line of SW Jefferson and the south property line of SW Salmon Street.
4. For police or special officers operating a bicycle in the course and scope of their duties; or
5. For employees of the Association for Portland Progress and companies providing security services operating a bicycle in the course and scope of their duties. These employees must have in possession an identification card issued by the Chief of Police certifying the rider has completed a training course in the use of a bicycle for security patrol.
16.70.330 Impounding Bicycles.
A. A bicycle left on a street or other public property for more than 72 hours may be impounded.
B. A bicycle may be immediately impounded if:
1. It is parked in violation of this code and obstructs or impedes pedestrian or vehicular traffic; or
2. It is an immediate threat to the public welfare.
C. The impounding agency must make reasonable efforts to notify the owner of the impoundment and a description of how and by what date the bicycle must be claimed.
D. A fee may be charged to the owner of an impounded bicycle. No impoundment fee will be charged to the owner of a stolen bicycle that has been impounded.
E. An impounded bicycle that remains unclaimed after 30 days may be disposed of in accordance with city procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
16.70.340 Renting Bicycles. No person may rent a bicycle to another person unless the bicycle is equipped as required by state law.
Updated 9/2016
6.325 Bicycle Operating Rules. In addition to observing all applicable provisions of this ordinance and state laws pertaining to bicycles, a person shall:
1. Not leave a bicycle other than in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so it does not obstruct a roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the motor vehicle parking provisions.
2. Not ride a bicycle on a sidewalk in any business district, except along an unimproved street. However, in a business district, bicycles may be ridden on sidewalks to deliver newspapers and messages and to make other deliveries. In addition, Redmond police officers who are operating their bicycles in the course and scope of their duties may ride on sidewalks.
3. Not engage in racing upon a street, sidewalk or premises open to the public unless a special event permit is obtained.
4. Not ride or bring a bicycle within the City of Redmond Skateboard Park.
5. A violation of this section is a Class C civil infraction.
[Section 6.325 amended by Ord. #93-02 passed January 12, 1993] [Section 6.325 amended by Ord. #2007-04 passed March 13, 2007] 6.330 Licensing. [Section 6.330 amended by Ord. #93-05 passed January 26, 1993] [Section 6.330 amended by Ord. #97-42 passed November 11, 1997] [Section 6.330 repealed by Ord. #2003-23 passed October 28, 2003]
6.335 Renting Bicycles.
1. No person shall rent to another a bicycle that is not licensed and equipped as required by this code and state law.
2. A violation of this section is a Class C civil infraction.
6.340 Impounding Bicycles.
1. No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without consent of the person in charge or the owner of the property.
2. A bicycle left on public property for more than 24 hours may be impounded by the Police Department.
3. In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this code may be immediately impounded by the Police Department.
4. If a bicycle impounded under this code is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make a reasonable effort to notify the owner of a stolen bike.
5. A bicycle impounded under this code and remaining unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with city procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
6. Except as provided in subsection (4), a fee which is set by resolution shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this section.
7. A violation of subsection (1) of this section is a Class C civil infraction.
[Section 6.340 amended by Ord. #97-42 passed November 11, 1997]
Updated 11/2017
8.02.140 - Regulations relating to recreational-type devices or toy vehicles.
A. Roller Skates, In-Line Skates, Skateboards, Bicycles and Other Devices. Excepting Police Officers and Police Explorers operating their bicycles in the course and scope of their duties, no person shall operate or ride upon, in or by means of, a bicycle, scooter, roller skates, in-line skates, skateboard, coaster, toy vehicle or other similar device in or upon any if the following areas:
1. Any public street or sidewalk in a manner dangerous to persons or property;
2. Any sidewalk within the Downtown Development District as defined in Chapter 3.08 of this Code;
3. The off-street parking facility located at 555 SE Rose Street; or
4. Any public or private property, driveway or parking area that is posted with a "No (name of prohibited device)" sign. Signs posted pursuant to this Subsection shall be posted at or near the boundaries of the area restricted in a visible location. Signs must be no smaller than 6" X 8" in dimension and must contain the words "No (name of prohibited device)".
B. Skis. No person shall use the streets for playing or traveling on skis, toboggans, sleds or similar devices.
C. Violations. Violations of this Section may upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not to exceed $100.00. In addition thereto, the Municipal Judge may prohibit the operation of the device used in the violation for a period not to exceed 30 days. In such event, the Chief of Police shall be directed to impound the device, and retain it for the period that the operation is prohibited. An officer who issues a citation to a person for operating a device during a period of prohibited operation as ordered by the Municipal Judge, or to a person previously convicted of a violation of this Section during the preceding twelve-month period, may impound the subject device and dispose of it in accordance with the procedures in this Code for disposal of personal property, if the person is found guilty of the second offense.
(Ord. 3098 § 1, 2001: Ord. 2951 § 1 (part), 1996)
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101.090. Traffic Laws Apply to Riding Bicycles. Every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by the laws of this state declaring rules of the road applicable to vehicles or by the traffic laws of this city applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except as to special regulations in this chapter and except as to those provisions of laws which by their nature can have no application. (Ord No. 183-71)
101.100. Riding Bicycles on Sidewalks.
(a) It shall be unlawful to ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within that area bounded by and including Front Street on the west, save and except the bridges, Cottage Street on the east, Union Street on the north, and Trade Street on the south; provided this subsection shall not apply to three-wheeled bicycles being ridden by a handicapped or elderly person.
(b) Whenever any person is riding a bicycle upon a sidewalk, such person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian. (Ord No. 183-71; Ord No. 66-85)
101.105. Riding Bicycles at the Salem Civic Center. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle in or upon the Salem Civic Center described in SRC 102.005(t). This subsection shall not apply to three-wheeled bicycles ridden by a handicapped or elderly person. (Ord No. 74-87; Ord No. 73-2002)
101.110. Riding on Street and Bicycle Paths.
(a) Every person operating a bicycle upon a two-way street shall ride as near to the right-hand side of the street as practicable, and on a one-way street, he shall ride to the extreme curb side of the traffic lane and with the direction of travel designated for that lane. If the curb lane is designated for "left turn" or "right lane" only, and the operator is not intending to turn, he shall operate in the through lane.
(b) A person is not in violation under this section under the following circumstances:
(1) When overtaking and passing another bicycle or vehicle that is proceeding in the same direction.
(2) When preparing to execute a left turn.
(3) When reasonably necessary to avoid hazardous conditions including, but not limited to, fixed or moving objects, parked or moving vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards or other conditions that make continued operation along the right curb or edge unsafe or to avoid unsafe operation in a lane on the roadway that is too narrow for a bicycle and motor vehicle to travel safely side by side.
(4) When operating in a bicycle lane traveling in the direction of traffic or a bicycle path.
(5) When operating a bicycle alongside not more than one other bicycle as long as the bicycles are both being operated within a single lane and in a manner that does not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. (Ord No. 183-71; Ord No. 91-99)
101.120. Speed. No person shall operate a bicycle at a greater speed than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing. (Ord No. 183-71)
101.130. Carrying Articles. No person operating a bicycle shall carry a package, bundle, or article which prevents him from keeping at least one hand upon the handle bars and having unhindered vision. (Ord No. 183-71)
101.140. Riding on Bicycles.
(a) A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than astride a permanent and regular seat attached thereto.
(b) No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at any one time than the number for which said bicycle is designed and equipped. (Ord No. 183-71)
101.150. Parking of Bicycles. It shall be unlawful for any person to leave a bicycle upon any sidewalk, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, he shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway, or building entrance; nor shall any person leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof. (Ord No. 183-71)
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10.20.050 Clinging to vehicles. No person riding upon a bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates, sled or other device shall attach the device or himself to a moving vehicle upon a street. Nor shall the operator of a vehicle upon a street knowingly allow a person riding on any of the above vehicles or devices to attach himself, the vehicle, or the device to his vehicle. (Ord. 13-73 § 16, 1973.)
10.28.010 Equipment. A bicycle operated upon the streets shall be equipped as required by state law. In addition, a bicycle shall be equipped with a brake capable of sliding at least one tire when applied on dry, level, clean pavement. No bicycle shall be equipped with a siren or whistle. (Ord. 13-73 § 33, 1973.)
10.28.020 Rules for operation. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of Chapters 10.04 through 10.44 and state law, a rider of a bicycle upon a street shall:
A. Not ride upon a sidewalk within a business district;
B. Yield the right-of-way to pedestrians on sidewalks;
C. On a two-way street, ride to the extreme right except when preparing for a left turn. On a one-way street, ride to the extreme curb side of the traffic lane and with the direction of travel designated for that lane. If the curb lane is designated for left turn or right turn only, and the operator is not intending to turn, he shall operate in the through lane;
D. Not carry a package, bundle or article which prohibits him from having full control of the bicycle and unhindered vision;
E. Not ride abreast of another bicycle or in any manner other than single file, except on designated bicycle paths;
F. Not operate a bicycle in a careless or reckless manner which endangers or would be likely to endanger himself, another, or any property. Racing or trick riding are included in this offense;
G. Not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, he shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. Nor shall he leave the bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles. (Ord. 13-73 § 34, 1973.)
10.28.030 Impounding.
A. It is unlawful to leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
B. A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of twenty-four hours may be impounded by the police department.
C. In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of Chapters 10.04 through 10.44 may be immediately impounded by the police department.
D. If a bicycle impounded under Chapters 10.04 through 10.44 is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
E. A bicycle impounded under Chapters 10.04 through 10.44 which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the city's procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property. (Ord. 13-73 § 35, 1973.)
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10.12.140 - Clinging to vehicles.
A. No person riding upon any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, roller skates, sled, or any toy vehicle shall attach the same or himself or herself to any moving vehicle upon the streets.
B. No person driving any vehicle shall permit any of the articles listed in subsection A of this section to be attached to the vehicle for the purpose of pulling along the streets. (Ord. 599 § IX(14), 1970)
Updated 12/2017
10.04.320 Bicycles – Rules of operation – Responsibility.
A. No parent of any minor child, and no guardian of any minor ward shall authorize or knowingly permit any such minor child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this chapter.
B. Except as otherwise provided herein, every person riding or operating a bicycle upon any street or other public place shall be subject to all the provisions of this chapter and the laws of the state applicable to the drivers of vehicles, except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application. (Ord. 860 § 31, 1987)
10.04.330 Bicycles – Equipment. A bicycle operated within the city shall be equipped as required by Oregon Revised Statutes, Chapter 815. No bicycle shall be equipped with a siren or whistle. (Ord. 860 § 32, 1987)
10.04.340 Bicycles – Rental agency requirements. A rental agency shall not rent or offer any bicycle for rent unless the bicycle is equipped as required by the Motor Vehicle Laws of Oregon and this chapter. (Ord. 860 § 33, 1987)
10.04.350 Bicycles – Method of operation.
A. A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other than with his or her feet on the pedals, and facing the front of the bicycle.
B. No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped, and no person shall be permitted to operate a bicycle with a passenger in front of the operator. (Ord. 860 § 34, 1987)
10.04.360 Bicycles – Riding on streets and bicycle paths.
A. Every person operating a bicycle upon a street or other public place shall ride as near to the right-hand side of the street as practicable, exercising due care when passing a pedestrian or a standing vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.
B. Persons riding bicycles on a street or other public place shall not ride two abreast. (Ord. 860 § 36, 1987)
10.04.370 Bicycles – Carrying articles. No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle or article which prevents the rider from keeping at least one hand upon the handlebars and in full control of such bicycle. (Ord. 860 § 39, 1987)
10.04.380 Bicycles – Speed. No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing, but in no event more than the posted speed limit. (Ord. 860 § 37, 1987)
10.04.390 Bicycles – Racing prohibited except by special permit. Bicycle racing shall be allowed for special events upon application for and approval of a permit to be obtained from the police department. The department shall be authorized to prepare forms for obtaining the permit. (Ord. 98-113 § 1, 1998)
10.04.400 Bicycles – Parking. No person shall park a bicycle upon a street or sidewalk except in a rack to support it or against a building or at the curb so as not to obstruct pedestrian traffic. (Ord. 860 § 41, 1987)
10.04.410 Clinging to vehicles prohibited. No person riding any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, rollerskates, sled, skateboard, toy vehicle or any similar device shall attach the same or the rider to any moving vehicle upon the streets. (Ord. 860 § 35, 1987)
10.04.420 Bicycles, skateboards, scooters – On downtown sidewalks, in designated parks, and in Town Square Park. No person shall ride or operate a bicycle, skateboard, scooter, roller device such as in-line skates, roller skates, roller skis, or similar device upon a sidewalk in the Central Downtown Area. As used in this section, “Central Downtown Area” means the sidewalks on both sides of 1st Street between the north curb line of Lewis Street and south curb line of Park Street, the sidewalks on the east side of Water Street between the north curb line of Lewis Street and the south curb line of Park Street, the sidewalks on the west side of Water Street between the south curb line of Jersey Street and the south curb line of Park Street, the sidewalks on both sides of High Street, Oak Street, and E Main Street between Water Street and 1st Street, the sidewalk on the south side of Park Street between Water Street and 1st Street, and the sidewalk on the north side of Lewis Street between Water Street and 1st Street. Furthermore, this prohibition shall also apply to the sidewalks on both sides of the West Main Street bridge, to the grass, railings, picnic tables, and paths in Town Square Park, to the grass, railings, picnic tables, and paths in Coolidge-McClaine Park, as well as to any area in city parks or on other city property where posted by the city manager. This prohibition does not apply to the parking lot in Town Square Park, to the Old Mill Park area between the Library and the swimming pool, or to the foot bridge and the extension of Coolidge Street adjacent to Coolidge-McClaine Park. During special events, for which a permit has been issued by the city, the city manager may temporarily suspend the right to ride such devices in places where it would otherwise be legal to ride them during the event on any property or street included in the permit for the event. Any person riding such devices upon sidewalks outside the restricted areas in this section shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian. (Ord. 16-12 § 1, 2016; Ord. 08-09 § 1, 2008; Ord. 98-111, 1998; Ord. 95-119 § 1, 1995; Ord. 860 § 40, 1987)
10.04.430 Bicycles, skateboards, scooters – Confiscation when. Any device described in SMC 10.04.420, which is used to violate SMC 10.04.420, may be taken into custody for a period not to exceed 30 days for the first offense, 60 days for any second offense, 90 days for any third offense, and 180 days for any subsequent offense. (Ord. 95-119 § 2, 1995; Ord. 860 § 43, 1987)
10.04.431 Police officer taking custody under ordinance. If a police officer proposes to take custody of a device under ORS 819.110, the officer shall provide written notice to the person in possession of the device and any persons claiming ownership of such device and shall provide an explanation of procedures available for obtaining a hearing under SMC 10.04.432. Except as otherwise provided hereunder, notice required under this section shall comply with all of the following:
A. Notice shall be given by the following methods:
1. By personally providing a notice concerning the device to the person in possession of the device with the required information.
2. If the person in possession of the device at the time of the taking does not claim to be the owner of the device, the officer shall transmit a notice by first class within not more than three days after taking the device into custody, with the required information to the known owners at the address as shown by the records of the police department, or by the address given by the person in possession. The three-day period under this subsection does not include holidays, Saturdays or Sundays.
B. Notice shall state all of the following:
1. That the device was subject to being taken into custody and removed by the appropriate officer.
2. The statute, ordinance or rule violated by the device and under which the device was removed.
3. That the owner, possessor or person having an interest in the device is entitled to a hearing, after the device is impounded, to contest the removal if a hearing is timely requested.
4. The appeal costs and time within which a hearing must be requested and the method for requesting a hearing. The appeal fee shall be $20.00, and must accompany the request for a hearing. (Ord. 95-119 § 3, 1995)
10.04.432 Validity of removal and custody – Hearing to contest validity of removal and custody. A person provided notice under this chapter or any other person who reasonably appears to have an interest in the device may request a hearing under this section to contest the validity of the removal by submitting a request for hearing with the appropriate officer not more than three days from the mailing date of the notice. The three-day period in this section does not include holidays, Saturdays or Sundays. A hearing under this section shall comply with all of the following:
A. A request for hearing shall be in writing and shall state grounds upon which the person requesting the hearing believes that the custody and removal of the device is not justified.
B. Upon receipt of a request for a hearing under this section, the city manager, or designee, shall set a time for the hearing within 72 hours of the receipt of the request and shall provide notice of the hearing to the person requesting the hearing and to the owners of the device shown in the records of the police department, if not the same as the person requesting the hearing. The 72-hour period in this subsection does not include holidays, Saturdays or Sundays.
C. If the city manager or designee finds, after hearing and by substantial evidence on the record, that the custody and removal of a device was:
1. Invalid, the city manager shall order the immediate release of the device to the owner or person with right of possession. If the device is released under this subsection, the person to whom the device is released is not liable for any appeal charges.
2. Valid, the city manager shall order the device to be held in custody until the term appropriate to the frequency of the violation specified in this chapter shall have been met.
D. A person who fails to appear at a hearing under this section is not entitled to another hearing unless the person provides reasons satisfactory to the city manager for the person’s failure to appear.
E. The city manager is only required to provide one hearing under this section for each time the city manager takes a device into custody.
F. The manager shall provide a written statement of the results of a hearing held under this section to the person requesting the hearing.
G. Hearings held under this section may be informal in nature, but the presentation of evidence in a hearing shall be consistent with the presentation of evidence required for contested cases under the administrative procedures act of Oregon.
H. The hearings officer at a hearing under this section may be an officer, official or employee of the city manager but shall not have participated in any determination or investigation related to taking into custody and removing the device that is the subject of the hearing.
I. The determination of a hearings officer at a hearing under this section is final and is subject to appeal to the municipal court upon filing written notice thereof, accompanied by a fee of $100.00. (Ord. 95-119 § 4, 1995)
10.04.433 Exemption for device held for investigation. A device that is being held as part of any criminal investigation is not subject to any requirements under this chapter unless the criminal investigation relates to the theft of the device. (Ord. 95-119 § 5, 1995)
10.04.434 Sale of device not reclaimed.
A. If a device taken into custody under this chapter is not reclaimed within 30 days after it is to be released from custody, the officer with custody of the device shall either:
1. Sell the device and its contents at public auction in the manner provided in state law, or
2. Dispose of the device in a manner provided by ordinance.
B. Funds received from the sale of a device or its contents under this section shall be used for sidewalk maintenance. (Ord. 95-119 § 6, 1995)
Updated 1/2018
6.405 Racing. No person shall run, engage in, or cause any bicycle race on any street, alley, or public way within the city, except under permit from the chief of police.
6.410 Pedestrians. The operator of a bicycle shall give the right-of-way at all times to a pedestrian proceeding lawfully, regardless of when and where the bicycle is being operated.
6.415 Riding Over Yards, Parkways. No person shall operate or ride a bicycle across, over, or on any yard, lawn, or property owned by another.
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10.04.230 Bicycle operating rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this chapter and state law pertaining to bicycles, a person shall:
(1) Not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provision relating to the parking of motor vehicles.
(2) Not ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within the city of St. Helens. (Ord. 2274 § 23, 1978)
10.04.240 Impounding of bicycles.
(1) No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
(2) A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24 hours may be impounded by the police department.
(3) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this chapter may be immediately impounded by the police department.
(4) If a bicycle impounded under this chapter is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner. No impounding fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bicycle which has been impounded.
(5) A bicycle impounded under this chapter which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the city’s procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
(6) Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, a fee of $1.00 shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this section. (Ord. 2274 § 24, 1978)
Updated 1/2018
Sect 27-30
Section 27. Registration of Bicycles. The Chief of Police is authorized to conduct a program of voluntary bicycle registration in conformity with appropriate departmental regulations. Any program established shall conform with the following:
A. Registration of bicycles operated within the City shall be voluntary.
B. The bicycle being registered need not be presented at the police station.
C. Registration fees shall be set by City Council by resolution.
D. Registrations may be valid for a period not to exceed five (5) years.
E. The police department shall maintain a list of all registered bicycles by registration number and serial number.
F. The police department may request the registrant to mark or engrave an identifying number upon the frame and or wheels of the bicycle.
G. The police department shall not certify the safety, mechanical soundness, or compliance with equipment laws or regulations, of any bicycle.
H. Bicycle dealers, retail merchants and The Dalles Crime Prevention Unit shall be authorized to act as registration agents.
I. Registration applications shall include the name of the registrant, the registrant's address and telephone number and a description of the bicycle by make, model, frame style, frame color, wheel diameter, identification number and such additional information as the Chief of Police shall deem appropriate. 6-7.27 City of The Dalles Ordinances 6-7.29
J. Registrants shall be responsible for keeping all registration information current. Failure to do so shall automatically cancel the registration.
K. Registrations shall be transferable. Registrants shall notify the department upon sale, destruction or transfer of the bicycle.
L. The registration program, if established, shall be for the identification of lost, stolen, abandoned or misplaced bicycles and major components only.
M. A fee of$2.00 may be charged owners of unregistered bicycles recovered or impounded.
Section 28. Bicycle Dealers. Every person engaged in the business of buying or selling bicycles shall maintain a record of every bicycle purchased or sold, giving the name and address of the person from whom purchased or to whom sold, a description of such bicycle by name or make, the frame number thereof and the license number, if any, found thereon.
Section 29. Impounding of Bicycles.
A. No person shall leave a bicycle on private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof. A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24 hours may be impounded by the police department. In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this ordinance may be immediately impounded by the police department. If a bicycle impounded under this ordinance is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exists, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner. No impoundment fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bicycle which has been impounded.
B. A bicycle impounded under this ordinance, which remains unclaimed for a period of 30 days may be disposed of by the Chief of Police, or his designee, in the following manner:
I. Sold at an auction with the proceeds to be deposited in the general fund.
2. Retained for use of the City.
3. Donated to a recognized charitable organization.
4. Transferred to another governmental unit to meet a bona fide public need for transportation. 6-7.29 City of The Dalles Ordinances 6-7.35
5. As the City Council may, by resolution, direct.
C. The owner of any bicycle impounded under this ordinance may, within 30 days, apply to the Chief of Police, or his designee, to show good cause why the bicycle impounded should be released without the levy of an impoundment fee. Such application shall be in writing and state the grounds why the bicycle should be released. The Chief of Police or his designee shall approve or deny the request in writing. A bicycle owner dissatisfied with the determination may appeal it by filing a notice of appeal within five (5) days to the Municipal Court.
D. Except as provided above, a fee of$2.00 shall be charged to the owner if a bicycle impounded under this section. Section 30. Bicycle Equipment. A bicycle operated upon the streets shall be equipped as required by state law, including lights and reflectors. In addition, a bicycle shall be equipped with a brake capable of sliding at least one tire when applied on a dry, level, clean pavement. No bicycle shall be equipped with a siren or whistle.
Updated 9/2016
10.36.100 Riding--On Certain Sidewalks Prohibited. No person shall ride or operate any wheeled vehicle, excepting wheelchairs and electric personal assistive mobility devices, on any sidewalk adjacent and parallel to S.W. Main Street; and provided further, that any person riding any wheeled vehicle, excepting wheelchairs, on any sidewalk in the City shall at all times yield the right-of-way to pedestrians using such sidewalk. (Ord. 03-13, Ord. 78-3 §8(e), 1978; Ord. 74-50B §1, 1974: Ord. 67-72 §10, 1967).
10.36.120 Racing On Public Ways-- Permit Required. No person shall engage in, or cause others to be engaged in, any bicycle racing upon the streets or other public places in the City, except under a permit from and under the supervision of the City police department. (Ord. 67-72 §12, 1967).
10.36.130 Applicability Of Traffic Laws. Every person riding or operating a bicycle or electric personal assistive mobility device on a street or public path in the City shall be subject to all the provisions of the laws of the state of Oregon applicable to such operation and shall also be subject to all the provisions of this title and any other City ordinances applicable to such operation. (Ord. 03-13, Ord. 67-72 §13, 1967).
10.36.140 Lighting Requirements. Every bicycle operated within the City at any time from a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise, or at any other time that visibility is poor due to insufficient light or unfavorable atmospheric conditions, shall be equipped with a lamp on the front exhibiting a white light visible from a distance of at least five hundred feet to the front of such bicycle, and a red reflector on the rear of such size or characteristics and so mounted as to be visible at night from all distances within three hundred feet to fifty feet from the rear of such bicycle. A red light visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear may be used in addition to the rear reflector. (Ord. 67-72 §14, 1967).
10.36.150 Brake Requirements. Every bicycle operated upon the City streets shall be equipped with brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and to hold such vehicle. (Ord. 67-72 §15, 1967). 10.36.160 Speed. No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing. (Ord. 67-72 §16, 1967).
10.36.170 Rider--At Least One Hand On Handlebars. No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle or article which prevents the rider from keeping at least one hand upon the handlebars and in full control of such bicycle. (Ord. 67-72 §17, 1967).
10.36.180 Parking Restrictions. From and after December 18, 1967, it is unlawful for any person to park or leave a bicycle upon the sidewalk within the City; except in areas designated by ordinance, which areas shall be properly marked by signs or painting and provided with racks for parking bicycles. (Ord. 67-72 §18, 1967).
10.36.190 Violation--Permitting Or Authorizing Prohibited. No parents of any minor child and no guardian of any minor ward shall authorize or knowingly permit any such minor child or ward to violate any of the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 67-72 §19, 1967).
10.36.200 Violation--Penalty. A violation of any provision of this chapter is a Class D traffic violation. (Ord. 03-13, Ord. 67- 72 §20, 1967).
Updated 2/2018
10.24.010 - Bicycles—General requirements. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this chapter and state law pertaining to bicycles, (Oregon Revised Statutes Sections 487.750 through 487.795) a person shall:
A. Not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles.
B. It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any bicycle to ride or park the same upon any sidewalk or path constructed for the use of and commonly used by pedestrians within the corporate limits of the city.
(Ord. 352-O § 2 (7.10.155), 1981)
10.24.020 - Bicycles—Impoundment and disposition.
A. No person shall have a bicycle on public or private property without consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
B. A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of twenty-four hours may be impounded by the police department.
C. In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this chapter may be immediately impounded by the police department.
D. If a bicycle impounded under this chapter is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
E. A bicycle impounded under this chapter which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the city's procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
(Ord. 352-O § 2 (7.10.160), 1981)
13.20.210 - Bicycles. No person shall:
A. Ride a bicycle on other than a vehicular road or path designated for that purpose. A bicyclist shall be permitted to wheel or push a bicycle by hand over any grassy area or wooded trail or on any paved area reserved for pedestrian use;
B. Ride a bicycle other than on the right-hand side of the road pavement as close as conditions permit. Bicyclists shall at all times operate their bicycles with reasonable regard to the safety of others;
C. Leave a bicycle in a place other than a bicycle rack or place provided for bicycles when such are available.
(Ord. 747 § 2 Att. 2 (part), 2004)
Updated 2/2018
5-2-040 General Rules and Regulations
(5) Motor vehicles shall be operated and parked only on roads and in parking areas designated for motor vehicle use. Said roads and parking areas are intended for the use of the general public for vehicles and subject to all City, county and state ordinances and regulations. No operator shall park and no owner shall allow a vehicle to be parked within a park for the principle purpose of repairing or servicing the vehicle, except repairs necessitated by an emergency. No motor vehicle, off-road vehicle, motorcycle, trailer, bicycle, skates, skateboards, or other vehicle shall be permitted on any trail or in any part of a park not designated for such use, or on any road or trail posted as closed to the public. Provided, however, this subsection shall not apply to those motor vehicles used in connection with City maintenance, fire and emergency medical vehicles or police patrol, or as permitted by the Community Services Director.
8-3-210 Bicycle Operating Rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this ordinance and state law pertaining to bicycles, no person shall leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles. [Ord. 506-80 §46, 4/14/80]
8-3-220 Impounding of Bicycles.
(1) No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner.
(2) A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24 hours may be impounded by the police department.
(3) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this ordinance may be immediately impounded by the police department.
(4) If a bicycle impounded under this ordinance is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner. No impounding fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bicycle which has been impounded.
(5) A bicycle impounded under this ordinance which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the City's procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
(6) Except as provided in subsection 94), a fee of $1.00 shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this section. [Ord. 506-80 §47, 4/14/80]
Updated 2/2018
6.150 Bicycle Equipment. A bicycle operated upon the streets shall be equipped as required by state law. In addition, a bicycle shall be equipped with a brake capable of sliding at least one tire when applied on dry, level, clean pavement. No bicycle shall be equipped with a siren or whistle.
6.155 Bicycle Operating Rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this ordinance and state law, a rider of a bicycle upon a street shall:
(1) Not ride upon a sidewalk within a business district;
(2) Yield the right of way to pedestrians on sidewalks;
(3) On a two way street, ride to the extreme right except when preparing for a left turn. On a one way street, ride to the extreme curbside of the traffic lane and with the direction of travel designated for that lane. If the curb lane is designated for “left turn” or “right turn” only, and the operator is not intending to turn, he shall operate in the through lane;
(4) Not carry a package, bundle, or article which prohibits him from having full control of the bicycle and unhindered vision;
(5) Not ride abreast of another bicycle or in any manner other than single file, except on designated bicycle paths;
(6) Not operate a bicycle in a careless or reckless manner which endangers or would be likely to endanger himself, another, or any property. Racing or trick riding shall be included in this offense;
(7) Not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, he shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway, or building entrance. Nor shall he leave the bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles.
6.160 Impounding of Bicycles.
(1) It is unlawful to leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
(2) A bicycle left on public property may be impounded by the police department.
(3) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this ordinance may be immediately impounded by the police department.
(4) If a bicycle impounded under this ordinance is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
(5) A bicycle impounded under this ordinance which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the city’s procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
Updated 9/2016
5.510 Bicycles - Operating Rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this Chapter and state law pertaining to bicycles, a person shall:
(1). Not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles.
(2). Not ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within prohibited areas as are from time to time established by the City Manager or designee.
5.515 Bicycles - Impounding.
(1). No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
(2). A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24 hours may be impounded by an Authorized Officer.
(3). In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this Chapter may be immediately impounded by an Authorized Officer.
(4). If a bicycle impounded under this Chapter is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the Authorized Officer shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner. No impounding fee shall be charged to the owner of a stolen bicycle which has been impounded.
(5). A bicycle impounded under this section which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the procedures of the City's police for disposal of abandoned or lost bicycles.
(6). Except as provided in subsection (4), a fee of $2.00 shall be charged to the owner of a bicycle impounded under this section.
Updated 9/2016
Woodburn, Oregon Bike Laws
Section29. Bicycle Operating Rules. In addition to observing all other applicable provisions of this ordinance and state law pertaining to bicycles, a person shall:
(1) Not leave a bicycle, except in a bicycle rack. If no bike rack is provided, the person shall leave the bicycle so as not to obstruct any roadway, sidewalk, driveway or building entrance. A person shall not leave a bicycle in violation of the provisions relating to the parking of motor vehicles.
(2) Not ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within the downtown core area bounded on the north by Harrison Street, on the west by Second Street, on the south by Cleveland Street, and on the east by Front Street.
Section 30. Licensing. The owner or lawful possessor of a bicycle may obtain a license in the following manner:
(1) The police department shall issue licenses and in so doing, shall obtain and record the name and address of each person purchasing a license and the make, model and serial number (if any) of the bicycle.
(2) A number shall be assigned to each bicycle so licensed, and a record of the license issued shall be maintained as part of the police records. A license plate assigned shall be affixed to the frame of the bicycle.
(3) A fee for a bicycle license shall be $1.00; all license fees collected shall be paid over to the general fund.
Section 31. Impounding of Bicycles.
(1) No person shall leave a bicycle on public or private property without the consent of the person in charge or the owner thereof.
(2) A bicycle left on public property for a period in excess of 24 hours may be impounded by the police department.
(3) In addition to any citation issued, a bicycle parked in violation of this ordinance may be immediately impounded by the police department.
(4) If a bicycle impounded under this ordinance is licensed, or other means of determining its ownership exist, the police shall make reasonable efforts to notify the owner.
(5) A bicycle impounded under this ordinance which remains unclaimed shall be disposed of in accordance with the city's procedures for disposal of abandoned or lost personal property.
Updated 9/2016