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Oregon bicycle law blog

KOIN: "Oregon isn’t the most bike-friendly state" reports on a recent designation from the League of American Bicyclists. Oregon is currently ranked as the second most bike-friendly state in America, only ranking lower than the winner, Massachusetts.

"The report came out on April 19 and takes into consideration things like infrastructure and funding, education and encouragement, traffic laws and practices, policies and programs, along with evaluation and planning. "

While Oregon scored highly across the board, the report does cite the high number of traffic deaths in Oregon in 2019 that involved people outside of vehicles (19.4%) and suggests the state could increase per capita spending for biking and walking.

Our neighbor to the north, Washington, lost the top spot for the first time since 2008, and is now ranked 3rd.

Charley Gee is a bicyclist and an Oregon personal injury attorney. He represents injured bicyclists against insurance companies, corporations, and the government statewide. Through education, advocacy, and litigation, Charley Gee P.C. is working to make the roads safer for all Oregonians.


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